On Thu, 5 Oct 2006, Eli Zaretskii wrote:

> > Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2006 08:51:54 -0400
> > From: "William A. Hoffman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > I have re-built and this time config.h has the right PATH_SEPARATOR:
> > 
> > /* Define to the character that separates directories in PATH. */
> > #define PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR ':'
> Thanks!
> > All tests still pass. I have updated the make.exe on the ftp site as well. 
> > 
> > The correct date on the file is here:
> > -rwxr-xr-x  1 kitware kitware 494678 Oct  5 08:44 make.exe
> Angelo, could you please download this new binary and try building
> GFortran with it?

(The mailer has problems with "William
A. Hoffman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  I must cut it from CC and resend
the message)

I have downloaded http://www.cmake.org/files/cygwin/make.exe (20061005
14:44) and with that I have done a quick test:

    $ cd ~/Downloads/GFortran/gcc/.build/gcc
    $ make -p --debug=i -f cygdos-test.mk 2>&1 | tee

The log is attached. It looks to me OK.

Now I will try a new GFortran (with the same source) build until, at
least, the critical point, posting you the results.



> > Is there a test I can run?
> Any Makefile that uses VPATH or vpath with two or more directories
> separated by colons should do.  "make -p" should show the VPATH value
> (provided that the directories mentioned in it actually exist); your
> previous build of Make didn't show those values because it failed to
> break the list into individual directories, and the check that the
> directory exists failed.
# GNU Make 3.81
# Copyright (C) 2006  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
# There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

# This program built for i686-pc-cygwin
Reading makefiles...
Updating goal targets....
 Looking for an implicit rule for `doc/cpp.info'.
 Trying pattern rule with stem `cpp'.
 Trying implicit prerequisite `cpp.texi'.
 Found an implicit rule for `doc/cpp.info'.
   Looking for an implicit rule for `cpp.texi'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `cpp.texi'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `cpp.texi,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `cpp.texi'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/cpp.texi,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `cpp.texi'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/cpp.texi'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `cpp.texi'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `s.cpp.texi'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `cpp.texi'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.cpp.texi'.
   No implicit rule found for `cpp.texi'.
make: `doc/cpp.info' is up to date.

# Make data base, printed on Thu Oct  5 17:36:37 2006

# Variables

# automatic
<D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $<))
# automatic
?F = $(notdir $?)
# makefile
MAKEFLAGS = p --debug=i
# environment
TEXDOCVIEW_ps = cygstart %s
# default
CWEAVE = cweave
# environment
CERN_ROOT = /usr/local/cernlib/2005
# environment
!:: = ::\
# automatic
@D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $@))
# environment
# automatic
@F = $(notdir $@)
# automatic
^D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $^))
# makefile
CURDIR := /home/Angelo/Downloads/GFortran/gcc/.build/gcc
# default
SHELL := /bin/sh
# default
RM = rm -f
# default
CO = co
# environment
# environment
# environment
_ = /usr/bin/make
# default
# automatic
?D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $?))
# default
# default
# default
# environment
# environment
# makefile (from `cygdos-test.mk', line 1)
MAKEFILE_LIST :=  cygdos-test.mk
# environment
HISTCONTROL = ignoredups
# environment
# default
# environment
ROOTSYS = /usr/local/root
# default
CC = cc
# environment
# default
CHECKOUT,v = +$(if $(wildcard $@),,$(CO) $(COFLAGS) $< $@)
# environment
QMAKESPEC = /usr/lib/qt3/mkspecs/cygwin-g++
# default
CPP = $(CC) -E
# default
# environment
# default
LD = ld
# default
TEXI2DVI = texi2dvi
# default
YACC = yacc
# default
# environment
# default
# environment
USERPROFILE = C:\Documents and Settings\Angelo
# environment
WINDOWID = 10485764
# default
# default
# default
LINT = lint
# environment
!C: = C:\cygwin\bin
# environment
ALLUSERSPROFILE = C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
# default
# default
AR = ar
# environment
# default
.FEATURES := target-specific order-only second-expansion else-if archives 
jobserver check-symlink
# default
TANGLE = tangle
# environment
# environment
XAPPLRESDIR = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults
# default
GET = get
# automatic
%F = $(notdir $%)
# environment
DISPLAY = :0.0
# default
# default
CTANGLE = ctangle
# default
.LIBPATTERNS = lib%.so lib%.a
# environment
# default
LINK.C = $(LINK.cc)
# environment
PWD = /home/Angelo/Downloads/GFortran/gcc/.build/gcc
# environment
# environment
TEXDOCVIEW_txt = cygstart %s
# environment
CERN = /usr/local/cernlib
# default
# environment
TEXDOCVIEW_html = cygstart %s
# default
# environment
PKG_CONFIG_PATH = /usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig
# default
# environment
# default
# environment
HOME = /home/Angelo
# environment
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /usr/local/root/lib
# environment
PRINTER = HP Deskjet 3740 Series
# environment
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = C:\Programmi\File comuni
# environment
# environment
# environment
CERN_INC = /usr/local/cernlib/2005/include
# environment
HOSTNAME = homepc
# environment
XAUTHORITY = /home/Angelo/.Xauthority
# environment
# environment
COLORTERM = rxvt-xpm
# default
# environment
XKEYSYMDB = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB
# environment
# default
AS = as
# default
# default
# default
# environment
USER = Angelo
# default
FC = f77
# makefile
.DEFAULT_GOAL := doc/cpp.info
# automatic
%D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $%))
# environment
TEXDOCVIEW_pdf = cygstart %s
# default
# default
WEAVE = weave
# default
# default
LINK.cpp = $(LINK.cc)
# default
F77 = $(FC)
# environment
OLDPWD = /home/Angelo
# default
# default
PC = pc
# environment
CVS_RSH = /bin/ssh
# automatic
*F = $(notdir $*)
# environment
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 1, AuthenticAMD
# environment
OS = Windows_NT
# default
# default
LEX = lex
# environment
CERN_LIB = /usr/local/cernlib/2005/lib
# environment
HOMEPATH = \Documents and Settings\Angelo
# environment
# environment
MFLAGS = -p --debug=i
# automatic
*D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $*))
# default
LEX.l = $(LEX) $(LFLAGS) -t
# environment
# automatic
+D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $+))
# default
# automatic
+F = $(notdir $+)
# default
M2C = m2c
# environment
APPDATA = C:\Documents and Settings\Angelo\Dati applicazioni
# environment
TEMP = /c/DOCUME~1/Angelo/IMPOST~1/Temp
# environment
COLORFGBG = default;default;0
# environment
COMSPEC = C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
# environment
TEXDOCVIEW_dvi = cygstart %s
# default
# environment
# default
# environment
PROMPT_COMMAND = history -a
# automatic
<F = $(notdir $<)
# environment
PS1 = \[\e]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED] \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ 
# default
CXX = g++
# default
# default
# automatic
^F = $(notdir $^)
# default
# default
# default
SUFFIXES := .out .a .ln .o .c .cc .C .cpp .p .f .F .r .y .l .s .S .mod .sym 
.def .h .info .dvi .tex .texinfo .texi .txinfo .w .ch .web .sh .elc .el
# environment
# default
# environment
# environment
# environment
XCMSDB = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Xcms.txt
# environment
XNLSPATH = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale
# environment
MAKE_MODE = unix
# default
# default
.INCLUDE_DIRS = /usr/local/include /usr/local/include /usr/include
# environment
HISTIGNORE = [   ]*:&:bg:fg:exit
# environment
TMP = /c/DOCUME~1/Angelo/IMPOST~1/Temp
# environment
QTDIR = /usr/lib/qt3
# default
MAKEINFO = makeinfo
# default
TEX = tex
# environment
# environment
TERM = xterm
# default
# default
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=160/1024=16%, Rehash=0, Collisions=21/186=11%

# Pattern-specific Variable Values

# No pattern-specific variable values.

# Directories

# SCCS: could not be stat'd.
# . (device 1280205707, inode 345544): 499 files, 17 impossibilities.
# ../../gcc/doc/include (device 1280205707, inode 308870): 7 files, no 
# ../../gcc/doc/include/SCCS: could not be stat'd.
# ../../gcc/doc (device 1280205707, inode 308852): 48 files, no impossibilities.
# ../../gcc/doc/include/RCS: could not be stat'd.
# ../../gcc/doc/SCCS: could not be stat'd.
# ../../gcc/doc/RCS: could not be stat'd.
# RCS: could not be stat'd.

# 554 files, 17 impossibilities in 9 directories.

# Implicit Rules

doc/%.info: %.texi
#  commands to execute (from `cygdos-test.mk', line 6):
        makeinfo -I . -I ../../gcc/doc -I ../../gcc/doc/include -o $@ $<





%: %.o
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.o) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@


%: %.c
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.c) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

%.ln: %.c
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINT.c) -C$* $<

%.o: %.c
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.c) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<


%: %.cc
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.cc) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

%.o: %.cc
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.cc) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<


%: %.C
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.C) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

%.o: %.C
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.C) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<


%: %.cpp
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.cpp) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

%.o: %.cpp
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.cpp) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<


%: %.p
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.p) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

%.o: %.p
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.p) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<


%: %.f
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.f) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

%.o: %.f
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.f) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<


%: %.F
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.F) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

%.o: %.F
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.F) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<

%.f: %.F
#  commands to execute (built-in):


%: %.r
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.r) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

%.o: %.r
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.r) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<

%.f: %.r
#  commands to execute (built-in):


%.ln: %.y
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(YACC.y) $< 
        $(LINT.c) -C$* y.tab.c 
        $(RM) y.tab.c

%.c: %.y
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(YACC.y) $< 
        mv -f y.tab.c $@


%.ln: %.l
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        @$(RM) $*.c
        $(LEX.l) $< > $*.c
        $(LINT.c) -i $*.c -o $@
        $(RM) $*.c

%.c: %.l
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        @$(RM) $@ 
        $(LEX.l) $< > $@

%.r: %.l
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LEX.l) $< > $@ 
        mv -f lex.yy.r $@


%: %.s
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.s) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

%.o: %.s
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.s) -o $@ $<


%: %.S
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.S) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

%.o: %.S
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.S) -o $@ $<

%.s: %.S
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(PREPROCESS.S) $< > $@


%: %.mod
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.mod) -o $@ -e $@ $^

%.o: %.mod
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.mod) -o $@ $<



%.sym: %.def
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.def) -o $@ $<





%.dvi: %.tex
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(TEX) $<


%.info: %.texinfo
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(MAKEINFO) $(MAKEINFO_FLAGS) $< -o $@

%.dvi: %.texinfo
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(TEXI2DVI) $(TEXI2DVI_FLAGS) $<


%.info: %.texi
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(MAKEINFO) $(MAKEINFO_FLAGS) $< -o $@

%.dvi: %.texi
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(TEXI2DVI) $(TEXI2DVI_FLAGS) $<


%.info: %.txinfo
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(MAKEINFO) $(MAKEINFO_FLAGS) $< -o $@

%.dvi: %.txinfo
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(TEXI2DVI) $(TEXI2DVI_FLAGS) $<


%.c: %.w
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(CTANGLE) $< - $@

%.tex: %.w
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(CWEAVE) $< - $@



%.p: %.web
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(TANGLE) $<

%.tex: %.web
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(WEAVE) $<


%: %.sh
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        cat $< >$@ 
        chmod a+x $@



(%): %
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $<

%.out: %
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        @rm -f $@ 
        cp $< $@

%.c: %.w %.ch
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(CTANGLE) $^ $@

%.tex: %.w %.ch
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(CWEAVE) $^ $@

%:: %,v
#  commands to execute (built-in):

%:: RCS/%,v
#  commands to execute (built-in):

%:: RCS/%
#  commands to execute (built-in):

%:: s.%
#  commands to execute (built-in):

%:: SCCS/s.%
#  commands to execute (built-in):

# 87 implicit rules, 5 (5.7%) terminal.

# Files

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(TANGLE) $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LEX.l) $< > $@ 
        mv -f lex.yy.r $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.F) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(YACC.y) $< 
        $(LINT.c) -C$* y.tab.c 
        $(RM) y.tab.c

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.o) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has been done.
#  Last modified 2006-10-04 09:28:58.2282528
#  File has been updated.
#  Successfully updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=0/32=0%, Rehash=0, Collisions=0/0=0%

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.def) -o $@ $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.p) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.p) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(TEXI2DVI) $(TEXI2DVI_FLAGS) $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        @$(RM) $*.c
        $(LEX.l) $< > $*.c
        $(LINT.c) -i $*.c -o $@
        $(RM) $*.c

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(CTANGLE) $< - $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(TEXI2DVI) $(TEXI2DVI_FLAGS) $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        cat $< >$@ 
        chmod a+x $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.cc) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.cc) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
.SUFFIXES: .out .a .ln .o .c .cc .C .cpp .p .f .F .r .y .l .s .S .mod .sym .def 
.h .info .dvi .tex .texinfo .texi .txinfo .w .ch .web .sh .elc .el
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.c) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.r) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.r) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has been done.
#  Last modified 2006-09-11 10:33:49
#  File has been updated.
#  Successfully updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=0/32=0%, Rehash=0, Collisions=0/0=0%

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        @$(RM) $@ 
        $(LEX.l) $< > $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

doc/cpp.info: ../../gcc/doc/cpp.texi ../../gcc/doc/cpp.texi
#  Implicit rule search has been done.
#  Implicit/static pattern stem: `cpp'
#  Last modified 2006-10-02 23:51:14.0305024
#  File has been updated.
#  Successfully updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=0/32=0%, Rehash=0, Collisions=0/0=0%
#  commands to execute (from `cygdos-test.mk', line 6):
        makeinfo -I . -I ../../gcc/doc -I ../../gcc/doc/include -o $@ $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.C) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.S) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(MAKEINFO) $(MAKEINFO_FLAGS) $< -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.c) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(CWEAVE) $< - $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINT.c) -C$* $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.s) -o $@ $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.s) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(TEXI2DVI) $(TEXI2DVI_FLAGS) $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(YACC.y) $< 
        mv -f y.tab.c $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(WEAVE) $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(MAKEINFO) $(MAKEINFO_FLAGS) $< -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(TEX) $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.cpp) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.cpp) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.C) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(MAKEINFO) $(MAKEINFO_FLAGS) $< -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(PREPROCESS.S) $< > $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.mod) -o $@ -e $@ $^

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.mod) -o $@ $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.S) -o $@ $<

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.F) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(LINK.f) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@

# Not a target:
#  Implicit rule search has not been done.
#  Modification time never checked.
#  File has not been updated.
#  commands to execute (built-in):
        $(COMPILE.f) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<

# files hash-table stats:
# Load=69/1024=7%, Rehash=0, Collisions=270/1264=21%
# VPATH Search Paths

vpath %.texi ../../gcc/doc:../../gcc/doc/include

# 1 `vpath' search paths.

# No general (`VPATH' variable) search path.

# # of strings in strcache: 1
# # of strcache buffers: 1
# strcache size: total = 4096 / max = 4096 / min = 4096 / avg = 4096
# strcache free: total = 4081 / max = 4081 / min = 4081 / avg = 4081

# Finished Make data base on Thu Oct  5 17:36:37 2006

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