In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Laura
>For example you can find this expression in very late

Not late but early; it is Ennodius who is very late.
> latin poets, as Ennius
>                       "Malo hercle magno suo convivat sine modo"
>In Saturarum lib. I, 1 (I took the line from Vahlen's second edition of
>Ennius works).
See now Edward Courtney, _The Fragmentary Latin Poets_ (Oxford, 1993),
where this verse is Ennius fr. 7.

>But probably it wasn't used very much in arcaic literature, because I found
>this expression only in this line. There is NO other example in any of the
>fragments of the Annales or of the Scenica.

It is beneath the dignity of epic as Romans understood it (Sander
Goldberg's contrast between Roman and Greek attitudes in this respect
has already been cited on this list), and likewise of tragedy, but it is
easily found in Plautus, Terence, and the comic and mimic fragments in
vol. ii of Ribbeck, which is just what you would expect a colloquial
word. Likewise one may look for it in satire; after all it is Persius
whose use of it sparked off this discussion--not Vergil, who never uses

>I will take a look on Naevius fragments, probably there are more examples

There are two in the comic fragments (117 and 129 Ribbeck).


Leofranc Holford-Strevens
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