I don't know the poem your referring to. But I thought you might find a 
poem called the "Pervigilium Veneris" which is made up of half-lines and 
lines from Vergil but on a rather more humorous topic interesting. 
Unfortunately, I cannot remember who it is by. Anyone?

Adrian Pay
-----Original Message-----
From:   gary/margaret glazner/victor [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wednesday, December 09, 1998 4:02 PM
Subject:        VIRGIL: Lost poem

Dear List,

I am trying to find a poem Virgil wrote
regarding I believe "Peripus"
I copied it down in the museum at
Ephesus, however my notebook was stolen.

I hope this request is within the bounds
of this list.

The poem as close as I can remember
was addressed to some young men
encouraging them to revel in drink.

thank you for any help
you can give me,

Gary Glazner

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