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From: "F. Heberlein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 09:08:46 +1
> Does someone know about a philosopher or grammarian
> called « Virgilius Maro » who was living in the 7th
> century? I would like to read something about this
> author, his life, his works.
This is Vergilius Maro Grammaticus, famous for his claim to have 
attended in his youth  a 13 days dispute on the correct vocative of "ego"
(now and then i ask our undergrads the 'correct' solution, and more 
than often i get replies like "o ege" ...).

A recent treatment is:

Law, Vivien
Wisdom, authority and grammar in the seventh century
 decoding Virgilius Maro Grammaticus  
Cambridge Univ. Press ISBN           : 0-521-47113-3

Fritz Heberlein

Dr. Friedrich Heberlein, Akad. Direktor
Seminar für Klassische Philologie
KU Eichstaett
Ostenstr. 26-28
D-85071 Eichstaett / Bayern

Tel.:  +49 8421 93 1544 / 93 2544
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