In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Philip
Thibodeau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>The collection of quotations regarding P. Virgilius Maro was very
>entertaining.  I recall reading a review of a book on PVM and wondering
>whether this was an April Fool's edition of the journal it was in!  At any
>rate, the book might be worth mentioning:  it's by Vivien Law, and is
>called, "Wisdom, authority, and grammar in the seventh centruy : decoding
>Virgilius Maro Grammaticus" (Cambridge University Press, 1995).  She tries
>valiantly to place PVM within his context, and does something useful in that
>respect, as I recall.

No poisson d'Avril by her or by the journal; but PVM had his tongue in
his cheek all right. The debate between 'Terrentius' (sic, a frequent
Irish spelling; but remember how Varro is always working his _nomen_ in)
and 'Galbungus' on the vocative of _ego_ recalls the debate in Gellius
14.5 on the vocative of egregius.

Leofranc Holford-Strevens
67 St Bernard's Road                                         usque adeone
Oxford               scire MEVM nihil est, nisi ME scire hoc sciat alter?

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