LH-S scripsit:

>        A few years ago our listowner (I think) posted some interesting
>comments about the strength and weaknesses of Dryden's version;
>unfortunately I cannot find them now. I was struck by his rendering of
>Aen. 6. 651-8:
>Dulces exuuiae, dum fata deusque sinebat,
>accipite hanc animam meque his exsoluite curis.
>Vixi et quem dederat cursum Fortuna peregi,
>et nunc magna mei sub terras ibit imago.
>Urbem praeclaram statui, mea moenia uidi,
>ulta uirum poenas inimico a fratre recepi;
>felix, heu nimium felix, si litora tantum
>numquam Dardaniae tetigissent nostra carinae.

This is Book 4, I think...

Bob White

Robert T. White
Shaker Heights HS
Shaker Heights OH


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