Hi Darren

If you are looking at the map only, then MapInfo will only really need
to read the map file. This file may be huge but it will only need to
read part of it. Basically the file contains index blocks that contain
MBRs ( Minimum bounding rectangles ) . With about twenty blocks per
level you dont have to have too many blocks too really break down your

So only a small part of the map file needs to get read - all index
blocks to blocks of objects taht intersect the screen plus the blocks of
objects themselves that intersect the screen. However this will still be
more than say MapXtreme as in this case the map is built on the server
and literally just the screen image is sent.

Some of out customers have 50 plus seats on a network and there is a
definite degradation of performance. However considering the size of the
files the technology is still very impressive!

Hope this helps.


In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Darren Kisner
>This transmission contains information which may be confidential and  
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>Hi all
>My question refers to how MapInfo accesses and queries files. I am setting up an 
>application in a multi-user environment and my clients need information on 
>potential network traffic. 
>Assuming Mapinfo tables are stored on a network drive and a user accesses them 
>using Mapinfo on a local machine:
> - When a table is opened (using MB command Open Table), but not browsed,  is 
>the whole file moved across the network to local machine or just the TAB file or  
>something else?
> - When a table is opened in a Map Browser is the whole table accessed or just 
>the object information?
> - If the user runs a query on an open table does the whole table need to be in 
>the local machines memory?
>I hope someone can make some sense of this!  Our base data tables range from 25 
>to 75mb in size, which is where the concern over network traffic arises.
>Thanks in advance
>Darren Kisner  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
>AEA Technology Rail
>[tel]  0171 904 3505      
>[fax]  0171 904 3504
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