The Laws of Ducks

    Duck Law No. 1
        If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, looks like a
        duck and cooks like a duck, it's a duck.

        Restatement: All things are known by their attributes.

    Duck Law No. 2
        Even under ideal circumstances, no duck, no matter how
        noble or well intentioned, can be an eagle.

        Restatement: All things must be what they are.

    Duck Law No. 3
        A duck can pretend to be an eagle except in times of

        Restatement: Pretense and adversity are inversely
        proportional; adversity reveals the true nature of all

    Duck Law No 4
        No duck may be an eagle until it abandons its webbed
        feet and bill for talons and a beak.

        Restatement: All things remain as they are until the
        attributes that define them are abandoned. Then, and
        only then, can they evolve.

    Duck Law No. 5
        Ducks are noble creatures. They shall not be penalized
        in the eyes of other creatures because they are not eagles.

        Restatement: All things are honorable if they are what
        they are honestly, even if they are different from you.

    Duck Law No. 6
        The greatest duck that ever was cannot fly as
        high as even a modest eagle.

        Restatement: If one would soar with eagles, do not swim
        with ducks.

    Duck Law No. 7
        Ducks flock. Eagles fly alone. Ducks and eagles never

        Restatement: Choose company wisely.

    Duck Law No. 8
        A duck's quack doesn't echo. No one knows why.

        Restatement: Sometimes there is no answer.


John H. Hoffmann


"I have yet to see any problem, however 
 complicated, which when you looked at 
 it the right way did not become still
 more complicated."
                      -- Poul Anderson
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