I wonder what MapInfo Co. would think, if we then conclude that "The
animation layer is full of bugs"?



Peter Ketting, GIS consultant
Ministry for Environment and Energy

                >It gives the phrase "animation layer" a hole new meaning

                >Bo Thomsen
                >GeoConsult I/S

>               -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>               Fra:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>               Sendt:  23. september 1999 11:06
>               Til:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>               Cc:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>               Emne:   RE: MI guilty ( another spam anecdote delete me)
>               /snip
>                       >Bill,
>                       >I am of course now interested with the cockroaches,
> had Mapinfo
>               been
>                       >available would you have created a spatial database
> of your
>               cockroaches,
>                       >and after running some simple demographics to
> identify the clean
>               healthy
>                       >one who would make a good pie you may have been
> able to redistrict
>               the
>                       >remainder to a house three blocks away ,
>               I guess the obvious thing to do would be to map their moving
> pattern in
>               realtime using MI and GPS (though the cockroaches would have
> to be HUGE to
>               carry the proper equipment...)
>               Is there an .MBX available on the FTP site ? ;-)
>               Peter
>               Peter Ketting, GIS consultant
>               Ministry for Environment and Energy
>               Denmark
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