Quasimodo is working hard in the cathedral belfrey - he's really
busting a gut because there was lots of weddings on that day. 
After work the Head Priest said 'Hey, Quasi, why don't you hire 
someone to help you?' 'Good idea' says Quasi, and off he skips 
to put an advert in the paper.

The next day there's a knock at the door. A guy is standing there 
with no arms. 'Hello?' says Quasimodo, 'can i help?' 'I've come 
about the job' the man replies. Quasimodo says 'I don't want to 
appear rude but what about your obvious lack of arms?' 'No problem' 
says the guy 'I can use my head - watch this.' The guy runs up to 
the belfry and throws himself against the bells - head-butting each 
one in perfect rhythm. 'Blimmin' eck, you are good enough for me, 
you're hired.' says Quasi.

Come the saturday, it's another day chock full of weddings. Right 
at the end of an afternoon marriage, Quasi and his assitant are 
ringing the bells for all they are worth when suddenly the guy falls 
through the hole in the belfrey floor to his death on the cathedral 
floor. Quasi comes running down to meet the High Priest. They both 
look at the crumpled mess on the floor, and the High Priest says to 
Quasi, 'Do you know who that was?' Quasi replies, 'No, but his face 
rings a bell.'

The next morning there is another knock at the door. Quasimodo answers.
'Hello there, Mr Modo. My brother was the assistant you hired last week,
I'm so overcome with grief about his untimely death that i've given up
my job as an accountant to continue his life's dream - to ring the bells
in this very cathedral.' 'Well, i don't know..' says Quasimodo, 'let's
see what you can do.' With that the chap runs up to the belfrey and starts
knocking out some fabulous bell sounds.' Quasi was so impressed with his
bell-ringing talent that he hired him on the spot.

The next weekend arrives and as before it's packed full of weddings. Right
at the end of an afternoon service they are up in the belfrey ringing away
when the awful accident reoccurs and the chap slips through the hole and
crashes onto the floor below. Quasimodo screams and runs down to meet the
High Priest again. The High Priest turns to Quasi and says 'Well, Quasi, do
you know who this fella is then?' Quasi goes 'No, but he was a dead ringer
for the other guy.'

Boom boom.

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