You have the "penalty" equation backwards.

Power unit pricing is simply a response to the reality of modern
communication technology deployment. Turn the equation around and ask
yourself, "Why should Wee Technologie running MapXtreme on a coal-fired
1996 Pentium II serving a modest 5-person intranet have to pay the same
price as the multinational Engulf & Devour, Inc., operating an Internet
server farm of interlinked nuclear-powered Clamdippe 9000's?" 

Software prices for users of the latest technology or who have wider
pipes into the 'net are higher because the leverage offered by better
performance and wider and faster market reach is worth more (in theory.)

If your business is of average means, consider it as a tax on the rich.
If you have it all, think of it as noblesse oblige.

- Bill Thoen

Doug wrote:
> This is an interesting point.
> MI are interested due to the huge revenue possible!  This comes from
> MapXtreme licensing.
> In the UK users are penalised for having the latest technology (ensuring
> that MI runs as fast as possible) and then wanting to install MapXtreme.  Is
> this the same elsewhere - ie. pricing is on the power unit method - the
> faster yr processor the more u pay.
> Surely there is another way around this?  Price per server?
> I appreciate it is not easy to price this kind of technology but being
> penalised for having a decent pc which makes THEIR mapinfo technology go
> faster is not really, IMHO, the best way.  MI's response is: "..this is the
> way the market is going.." (quote).  Does anyone else think this is true - i
> realise that ORACLE use this and of course MI have to completely jump into
> bed with them but perhaps MI does not have to be the sheep?
> Just ha'penny thoughts on a cold, wet monday afternoon in the UK.  Would be
> interested to know what other implementors think.

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