From: "Lars Nielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Using a shifted line style won't work, since there's no restriction on the
> direction of a polygon border line. It might run either way around the
> polygon, rendering it impossible to know which side of the line is
> "inside" and which is "outside". That applies for all borders including
> "holes". Shifting a line sideways will then just as often be done outwards
> as inwards.

SHP files has a restriction on them regarding the direction of polygon
border lines. So converting to first SHP file and then back again, may
ensure that all directions are the same. Outside borders are clockwise and
holes are anti-clockwise (or the opposite -  I can't remember right now and
I don't have the documentation here).

So perhaps a shifted line style could work.

Uffe Kousgaard

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