Arrgh. The menu

> Create Menu Bar As
>    "Files" as "Files",
>    "Edit" as "Edit",
>    "Tools" as "Tools",
>    "Objects" as "Objects",
>    "Query" as "Query",
>    "Table" as "Table",
>    "Settings" as "Settings",
>    "WinSpecific" as "WinSpecific",
>    "Window" as "Window",
>    "Help" as "Help" 

won't work; I should have taken Lars' caveat about translating from Danish
to heart.   But as I stated in a previous email, you can 
open mapinfow.mnu in a text editor and copy the actual default Create Menu
Bar statement where it appears at the end of the file.

Hope this helps


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lars V.
Nielsen (Hvenegaard)
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 6:40 AM
To: Terry McDonnell
Subject: Re: [MI-L] Menus - swapping in and out

Hi Terry,
All menus are created independently of each other in the "common" area of
Pro. You can define any number of additional menus (within GDI limits) and
attach them anywhere in the current menu system: menu bar, existing standard
menus, existing shortcut menus, user defined menus etc.
So you don't "delete" standard menus by defining your own menus or replacing
the menu bar. All defined menus incl. standard menus are still defined and
ready for use as long as Pro runs (only menu items with an attached mbx
based handler sub will be removed automatically when the app closes).
The problem arises when several mbx's want to add menus to the singular menu
bar. The menu bar is NOT a saved GDI resource (like the menus), it only
references them. And unfortunately it's impossible to retrieve information
about its current state, so the only possible "backstep" is to recreate the
"Create Menu Bar As Default" will recreate the standard menu bar, and all
menus added by mbx's to the MENU BAR will be lost. The menus themselves are
not lost, the menu bar just doesn't reference them anymore. This is why
adding your menus to the Tools menu instead of the menu bar makes sense,
because that'll ensure that your menus are restored (along with the Tools
menu) when you recreate the standard menu bar.
If it's a question of "minimizing" the standard menu bar, not just hiding
it, I'll recommend changing the initial menu bar this way (translated from
Danish, so the words may differ slightly):
Create Menu "MapInfo" As
    "Files" as "Files",
    "Edit" as "Edit",
    "Tools" as "Tools",
    "Objects" as "Objects",
    "Query" as "Query",
    "Table" as "Table",
    "Settings" as "Settings",
    "WinSpecific" as "WinSpecific",
    "Window" as "Window",
    "Help" as "Help" 

Create Menu Bar As "MapInfo"
Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
Hvenegaard A/S
Rugaardsvej 55, DK-5000 Odense C
Tel. +45 6313 5050

----- Original Message -----
From: Terry McDonnell <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 2:01 PM
Subject: [MI-L] Menus - swapping in and out

Hi Listers
I have my own menu bar items set up but, for testing purposes, I've allowed
the standard MI menus to stay up (so I can make GOOD use of them).  Now I
want to:
Replace the std MI menu with my own
When the user closes my app's window I want my menus to disappear and the
std. MI menu to replace it.
This is because my users use native MI too and want to be able to simply
revert to this.
Now I know all about usng the WinClosedHandler() to bring this about - at
the moment I just disappear all my windows.  What I'd like is to know a
simple and efficient way of achieving the above.  The Menu Bar Hide command
doesn't specify WHICH menu to hide/show.
Is there some way of swapping menus in and out?
'ppreciate it
Terry McDonnell

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