Hi Maria,

the fact that a SVG rendered by MapServer is simplified makes sense, since what MapServer basically gives are maps, not raw data. Imagine that you want a map of all European countries, where your raw data has details down to something like a meter, the resulting SVG file would easily scale up to some GB of data.

I'f you want raw data, try exporting in GML and render it with some tools like GMLViewer or access MapServer through WFS with some desktop GIS program.

If I'm right, what FULL_RESOLUTION does is to place the nodes of the polygon more accurately, but I doubt that it changes the number of nodes.


Maria Neywell wrote:


Sorry, I don’t think you are getting it right. I’m going to try to explain it differently.

The aliasing in my svg file rendered by mapserver is independent of the viewer. Mapserver automatically simplifies geometries during the svg generation, so the geometries rendered in a SVG file don’t match with the ones in my original map.

See enclosed a picture to explain my problem. Iit will help you to understand and to compare before and after SVG generation.

Do you understand what's going on with mapserver and so with my svg file ?

Thanks a lot and I’m sorry if my English is not so good to explain my problems



2009/11/26 Yewondwossen Assefa <yass...@dmsolutions.ca <mailto:yass...@dmsolutions.ca>>


    Not sure I get it correctly: MapServer exports a vector file (the
    svg), when you mention anti-aliasing, I believe you are referring
    to  an svg viewer rendering the svg file?  From what I understand,
    the svg specifications allows to specify some properties at the
    shape level for example to give a hint to the viewers on how to
    render the different shapes
     Depending on the viewer, I suppose some would respect these
    properties.  MapServer does not at the point setup these
    properties.  Is this what you are looking for?


    Maria Neywell wrote:


        I have already tried this way to extract my map in a svg file
        and it works. _However_, I had a svg file which corresponds to
        my map but with a lot of aliasing. The FORMATOPTION
        "FULL_RESOLUTION=TRUE" changes nothing. I tested this with and
        without option.

        I don't know if I did something wrong or if this is a
        mapserver problem…

        am I the only one to have this problem ?



        2009/11/24 Yewondwossen Assefa <yass...@dmsolutions.ca
        <mailto:yass...@dmsolutions.ca> <mailto:yass...@dmsolutions.ca


           You could  possibly specify FULL_RESOLUTION option in your
           outputformat. Something like this:

              NAME svg
              MIMETYPE "image/svg+xml"
              DRIVER svg
             best regards,

           Maria Neywell wrote:

               Hi list,

               I'm using mapserver 5.2.

               I have tested all mapserver exports to render my map in
               see : http://mapserver.org/output/svg.html but, the
        point is
               that all of these outputs give me up simplified geometry. I
               want to export my map in a svg with geometries who match
               exactly with my map.

               did someone noticed that same weird result ?



               mapserver-users mailing list


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           Assefa Yewondwossen           Software Analyst      Email:
        ass...@dmsolutions.ca <mailto:ass...@dmsolutions.ca>
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           Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
           Fax:   (613) 565-0925

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Assefa Yewondwossen Software Analyst Email: ass...@dmsolutions.ca <mailto:ass...@dmsolutions.ca> http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

    Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
    Fax:   (613) 565-0925



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