Thanks, Jeff: More in-line, below...

On 5/25/10 7:29 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
Gerald Creager wrote:
I'm having to reinstall Mapserver after some significant hardware
issues. I was perusing the documentation and find several explicit
entries for installing on Windows.

For Linux, there's the suggestion to use FGS (used it before, isn't
latest version, but will probably work), or Debian. Sorry, guys,
ubuntu is a debian variant, so while it's nice that there's GIS
systems for debian, they are, to my mind, the same.

My question: Where's the information on dependencies to compile and
use Mapserver? If they reside in the pdf documentation, I've tried to
snag it, and the pdf appears damaged: unreadable in eVince or Acrobat

Looking for suggestions on how I might proceed.


Here are some of my comments:

- FGS version 9.5 contains MapServer 5.6.3 (the latest MapServer
release), I use it often and recommend it

The wiki link to FGS needs to be updated. When I followed the link, it was for 5.4, which I can use, but since we crashed so much, I wanted to go ahead and get current.

- documentation for compiling MapServer on Unix systems is found at:

I just *knew* it had to be around somewhere. However the PDF link produced a bad download several times for the Mapserver docs... That might bear looking into. I tried it at home, even using several methods to download it, and two readers to look at the results, then, last night, I tried again from home and still failed. Is Mapserver allergic to Texans, perhaps?

In the end, I fell back to what I thought I remembered from years past, and that (surprisingly) worked. It was a bit more work than having the instructions in front of you, but it's good to know I could still do it.

- if you feel like giving back to the community, as you travel down the
compilation path you could record your steps in the MapServer wiki, so
others can learn from your steps:

I'll try to get started on that today. It's been awhile since I've contributed anything save moral support to the community, so it's time I did some good.

Gerry Creager --
Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University
Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020 FAX: 979.862.3983
Office: 1700 Research Parkway Ste 160, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843
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