
2011/1/26 Gregor at HostGIS <gre...@hostgis.com>:
>> My problem is that I need ALL labels to be complete and visible.
> I don't think that's possible if you're using tiles. Somewhere, some label
> will be close to a tile boundary and be truncated or omitted.

I think it is possible! Because setting a "big enough" metaBuffer will
make all labels "far enough" from tile boundaries (since the
metaBuffer artificially extends tile boundaries).

What about the "labelcache_map_edge_buffer" metadata option of
MapServer the TileCache doc talks about ?
I could not find good doc about it.

However, it should not be needed. Try setting the metaBuffer quite big
(more than 20, say 100 as a test).
Disable metaTile to keep things simple for the test.

Enable MapServer logging and check the GetMap dimensions requested by TileCache.
Requesting TileCache for 256px with metaBuffer=100 should generate
MapServer GetMap requests with width and height of 456px.
Also, make sure PIL has no problem cropping the image back to 256px.
Check the interlaced PNG issue
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