Hi Stefan,

I don't know if I understood you correctly, but I think the solution for you would be an image catalog, right?
Then you would have only one layer for the UTM maps.
In the mapfile it would look like this, in the .dbf in the column "location" would be the paths to the png data.

    NAME "utm_data"
    MAXSCALE 8000
    TILEINDEX "filesindex_png.shp"
    TILEITEM "location"
    PROCESSING "Resample=average"
    name "utm_data"

Greetings Sven

Am 12.10.2022 um 12:55 schrieb Stefan Gofferje:
Hi all,

Life (and COVID) hit, so I never got anywhere with updating my weather website and taking mapserver into use there.

Currently I have another project - due to the geopolitical situation:
I'm working on a mobile system to provide emergency/off-grid "tactical" communication and data. It's centered on a Raspberry Pi and includes things like Meshtastic and others. One of the things I would like to add is a WMS/WFS server to provide map data via local Wifi AP to connected devices.

Topographical (and other) maps of whole Finland are available under CC4 from the Finnish Land Survey through the KAPSI non-profit. The maps are in 12kx12k PNGs in a folder structure by UTM grid. See here: http://kartat.kapsi.fi/files/peruskarttarasteri_jhs180/taustavari_korkeuskayrilla/1m/etrs89/png/
The data can by rsync'd down.
I'm not clear how I would configure mapserver for that. Do I have to create one map with extent and such for each PNG tile or can I point mapserver to the root directory  of the data and tell it to go through it recursively and get the data from the PGW sidecar files?

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