+++ Waylan Limberg [Oct 21 12 12:49 ]:
>    Very interesting examples in that FAQ.
>    Although I would say this one is a little misleading:
>    [1]http://johnmacfarlane.net/babelmark2/?text=%5C%5C%5Btest%5D(not+a+li
>    nk%3F)
>    It would more accurately be this:
>    [2]http://johnmacfarlane.net/babelmark2/?text=%5C%5C%5Btest%5D(notalink
>    %3F)
>    While that is a lot less interesting, it is not exhibiting the issue of
>    spaces in urls - which is the next item on your list.
>    There could also be this:
>    [3]http://johnmacfarlane.net/babelmark2/?text=%5C%5Btest%5D(notalink%3F
>    )
>    Which is also not very interesting. The only difference in these two
>    examples is the way php markdown handles escaped characters - which has
>    nothing specific to do with links. Seems to me like none of
>    these examples belong on the list.

Agreed. I was confused. I removed it.

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