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Content preview:  > * How many people attend to the IGC usually? 300, 
  500, 1000? We were told that the GUADEC'06 should be able to affords 
  1000 people. Although in Stuttgart there were less assistants, I 
  think. > * Is there anything special about GNOME that makes the joined 
  > conference for GNOME and IGC remarkable? [...] 

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--- Begin Message ---
>  * How many people attend to the IGC usually? 300, 500, 1000? 

We were told that the GUADEC'06 should be able to affords 1000 people.
Although in Stuttgart there were less assistants, I think.

>  * Is there anything special about GNOME that makes the joined
>    conference for GNOME and IGC remarkable? 

The IGC is incresing their interest in free software. This year the
opening consisted of a

PLENARY SESSION: A new revolution: Open source
Richard Stallman and Marcelo d'Elia Branco (one of the guys behind
Brazil's bet for free software)

Hosting the GUADEC is a next-step in this increasing interest by open
source / free software by the IGC and generally speaking the users and
the industry related to the Internet.

Miguel de Icaza was one of the key speakers a couple of years ago.

>  * Any special software in GNOME that might interest IGC visitors, and
>    that may have an impact on how they work, or that may affect the
>    market for competiting software?

Yes, but it's difficult to explain avoiding the comparisson to Microsoft
products, I think. If we could only say that Shreck was born in a GNOME
desktop...  :)

Maybe it is a good opportunity to start marketing GTK apps working on
propietary OS as well.

>  * Is there anything special about the local administrations solutions?

They are on the way. Not implemented yet and actually not that planned.
Catalonia is a place with a certain KDE tradition although GNOME is
winning steps, partially because the good work of the Catalan
translation team and partially for the sucess of distros like Fedora or

>  * Are they already using GNOME, or are they developing their solutions
>    with the GNOME dev. platform? 

The first pilot of migration in the Catalan autonomous government will
be done with Fedora and Ubuntu, it means that whoever is the winner it
will be GNOME as well. :)

There are not GNOME dev projects done by the government, AFAIK.

>  * Are their solutions Open Source or Free Software? Could other
>    administrations use it, or learn from their example?

Not mature yet, they are just atarting, they look for ideas and this is
one of the reasons they are supporting the GUADEC @ Barcelona.

>  * Is there anything special, GNOME offers for the above groups? Will
>    GUADEC feature anything remarkable? For example, I could imaging that
>    the Windows Evolution port might be ready at that time, enabling a
>    smoother transition of governments to a Free Software infrastructure
>    with Linux.

I think the main offer is a mature desktop... if only the GUADEC could
be useful to show to key players and normal users SCREENSHOTS so they
see Linux and free software is not about dark screens with green ascii à
la Matrix...

Just if it helps...


--- End Message ---
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