On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 12:33, Dave Neary <dne...@gnome.org> wrote:
> Jason D. Clinton wrote:
> <shrug> Not my call - I guess Allan & Sumana, in collaboration with the
> board, are fixing priorities for the next 2-3 weeks.

What does the Board have to do with the Marketing Team? Allan and
Sumana, as members of the Marketing Team, are certainly good decision
makers but the Board should not be doing any top-down management and I
certainly hope that the Board is not putting Allan and Sumana in the
difficult position of having to choose between what they know is the
right thing to do and what their contract provider is asking that they
do. I think that they are both qualified enough to stand on their own
without being micromanaged. Further, I hope that any such discussions
are transparent and exclusively on this mailing list.

> The whole "fall-back" messaging & in particular the absence of a short
> list of places where this is known not to be appropriate seems to me to
> be setting us up for an entirely avoidable post-release shit-storm...
> but like I said, it's not my call.

What do you mean, "Not to be appropriate?" Fallback will work
everywhere that GNOME 2.x has worked and any sysadmin crazy enough to
deploy an enterprise desktop roll-out of a non-Enterprise distribution
already has the tools they need to force Fallback Mode if they are so
inclined. I don't see why it's even remotely relevant to the release
of 3.0.
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