On Tue, 2011-03-22 at 12:27 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
> In the minds of a lot of people (press and GNOME hackers, and by proxy,
> future users), GNOME 3 is very much the user experience defined by GNOME
> Shell. And, while I don't have any data to back this up, I'd bet that
> people are expecting "GNOME 3 fall-back mode" to be more or less
> equivalent to GNOME 2.
> So since (a) in some situations using GNOME 3 in "normal" mode (with
> GNOME Shell) is not appropriate, and (b) GNOME fall-back does not
> provide the same user experience as GNOME 2, we risk disappointing some
> people doubly, if we do not prepare ourselves to manage these expectations.
> That means, IMHO, figuring out some situations when it's inappropriate
> to run GNOME Shell, documenting how to manually switch to fall-back mode
> if, for example, your card is detected as being Shell capable, but runs
> slowly (I had this experience on one SiS chipset on a netbook), and also
> managing people's expectations about GNOME Fallback's feature set.

If somebody would like to write up a couple paragraphs about
this, I'll do the markup and such and put it into the help.
It's a useful topic, I think.


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