On Tue, Apr 05, 2011 at 09:38:57AM +0100, Allan Day wrote:
> > Resources / User support
> > It think there should be a top level entry, in first place, for users
> > only: "User support". I am a user, I am lost on jhbuild page, where
> > should I go? Documentation, forums, ml, irc, bug reports, etc. The
> > GNOME support portal [1], and the GNOME support Forums [2] are doing a
> > pretty good job here too.
> > [1] http://gnomesupport.org/
> > [2] http://gnomesupport.org/forums/
> > I am not sure who is behind and what is the relation between gnome and
> > gnomesupport though i think they should work hand in hand (or foot in
> > foot?)
> I don't think GNOME is in the position to offer high-quality support
> yet, and I don't want to users' hopes up. Maybe in the future...?
> There's some advice about this on the contact page, the first piece of
> which is 'go to your distro first'.

So just say that:
1) go to your distro support page
2) gnomesupport.org exists, but we don't have the resources and would
appreciate anyone who could help answer existing questions (call them
the gnome support group or something)

IMO developers should not visit forums. Too much whining/trolling,
negativity and waste of resources (generally same question is answered
loads of times). Instead: "gnome support group"

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