2011/12/29 José Félix Ontañon <fonta...@emergya.com>

> El día 29 de diciembre de 2011 20:25, Christy Eller
> <iamchristyel...@gmail.com> escribió:
> > Hi Felix-
> >
> > I think this is awesome! I'd like to get more of this kind of info on the
> > website . It really shows what open source can accomplish for the common
> > good. In my mind, this makes it as donation-worthy as any non-profit.
> Hi Christy! Thanks for your interest
> The case study will be released with CC-SA licence, so you will be
> able to publish any information inside just refering to the original
> document.
> I've been inside the Guadalinfo project for several years, I can
> confirm every conclusion of the report, as:
> * The project leaders invested in developing upstream for gnome3
> * A big kit of accessibility devices are working on-the-fly with gnome
> * Using free software for turning the computers into accessible
> workstations allowed the project directors to invest lots more on
> buying devices.
> Christy, I wonder why do you replied me directly instead of posting to
> the marketing-list ...
> Best regards
> > Christy,
> > Women's Outreach Program Intern working on gnome.org
> >
> > 2011/12/28 J. Félix Ontañón <fonta...@emergya.es>
> >>
> >> Hello everybody,
> >>
> >> Last 30Nov took place the "Accessibility of the libre! workstation"[1]
> >> conference, gathering people from companies, universities and
> >> communities related with accessibility, free software and the Gnome
> >> desktop (as Igalia or Emergya). A pending commitment was to describe a
> >> case study of accesible desktops deployments, something like Paul
> >> Cutler's "Gnome success study in Andalusia"[2] but related with
> >> accessibility.
> >>
> >> I've been working on a case study about the project "Guadalinfo
> >> Accesible"[3], wich aims to provide an accessible desktop for the
> >> users of the telecenter network Guadalinfo (Andalusia, Spain) a
> >> gnome-based free software assistive technologies. A close to 9.0000
> >> volume of computers. In this study i'm really enhacing the idea of
> >> Gnome as a perfect desktop platform for providing accessible
> >> workstations.
> >>
> >> A candidate index for "Guadalinfo accesible case study" is:
> >> * About the Guadalinfo telecenter network
> >> * Objectives of the Guadalinfo Accesible project
> >> * Interview with the project director.
> >> * Kit of gnome-compatible accessibility devices deployed to the center
> >> * Software developments of accessible tecnhologies made
> >> * Other actions taken: remote support, accessibility literacy plan ...
> >> * Budget for the project: advantages of using free software and
> >> collaborating with the Gnome community
> >> * Annex I: Comprehensive description of accessibility software used
> >> * Annex II: Statistical analisys of people with disabilities in
> Andalusia
> >>
> >> The point is, what should be done in order to build a document really
> >> useful for the people at Marketing team? Do you miss something?
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> [1] https://live.gnome.org/Hackfests/WorkstationA11y2011
> >> [2]
> >>
> http://people.gnome.org/~pcutler/gj/GNOME%20Success%20Story_%20Andalusia.pdf<http://people.gnome.org/%7Epcutler/gj/GNOME%20Success%20Story_%20Andalusia.pdf>
> >> [3] https://live.gnome.org/Guadalinfo_accesible
> >>
> >> --
> >> J. Félix Ontañón Carmona
> >> --
> >> marketing-list mailing list
> >> marketing-list@gnome.org
> >> http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/marketing-list
> >
> >
> --
> J. Félix Ontañón Carmona
> Manager
> Emergya Consultoría
> Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77 / +34 661 91 27 26
> Fax: +34 954 51 64 73
> www.emergya.es
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