Hi all,

2011/9/4 Paulo de Souza Lima <paulo.s.l...@varekai.org>

> 2011/9/4 webmaster for Kracked Press Productions <
> webmas...@krackedpress.com
> >
> > I would think people would buy LibreOffice related items.
> > The only thing needed is regional offerings.  I would not want to pay
> > shipping prices for shirts from Germany to the USA.
> >
> >
> Indeed. In the other hand, marketing material can be produced at
> lower prices if purchased in larger quantities. Maybe we should think in
> having some regional storages for regional distribution. In this case,
> logistics become crucial and control on distribution, the use of the
> trademarks could be monitored, as well the destination of the money.
> Some countries have a lot of barriers on importation. Brazil, for
> example, has a U$50,00 limit per person, for imported itens, including
> shipping costs (yes, we do pay fares on shipping costs, also). If this limit
> is broken, we pay importation fares of 60% or more. Also, those itens cannot
> be used for selling. Rules are different for companies. So, for us
> brazilians,  it's a kind difficult to order itens in a larger scale. It's
> really cheaper to produce them locally.
> Concerning to the local community "trust". I give you the question back:
> Why should people trust TDF is using their efforts properly? Despite of
> that, many, many people are contributing to Libreoffice and *trusting* on
> TDF.
> But, the discussion on if they will be allowed to use the brand (the
> brand they are working hard to spread and support) is still stucked in
> "property rights".

The Firefox Example is consistent, and fits in a similar way in our case.
Much of the product recognition, the prestige and also the maintenance and
continuity, is due to the trademark protection.

Therefore, regardless of the users are doing with the software and how much
they likes and approves the work done from TDF to improve the LibreOffice,
the brand has to be managed by TDF, exactly the way that being done.

And Paulo, I ask you to understand my observations, just under the TM Policy
of the TDF and LibreOffice.

The TDF is here to garantee the continuity of a project that helps a lot the
society, even with no return or recognition.

I ask you to forgive me frankly, but sometimes I see the vision of free
software in Brazil is deeply politicized, what often makes it impossible for
serious professionals have their work respected.

You, working with free software in Brazil, knows that FOSS is "stuff of
leftist, communist" for a large proportion of the Brazilian society, and
this vision is not correct. This view, sometimes prevents our work be
correctly considered. I'm sure you've tried to explain to your peers about
free software, and many don't hear you, thinking that "this is stuff of
communist". FOSS is a "stuff" of specialist, for the society. Therefore,
freedom is a factor to be considered. Therefore we use the GPL's, for the

So, some protections for the continuity of the project has to be taken, and
these safeguards have to be conducted by the TDF. After all, that's the TDF

And by the way, I also understand that the issue here's not 'cause of
shirts. Because they may be sold, even with no return to the LibreOffice
and, IMHO, I don't see clearly what the shirts will truly help TDF, but
maybe will make some of our users happy, I think.

Best regards,


> I think the use of the Community Brand (the one without de TDF
> citation) should not be too regulated. Every item with that mark, even if
> that item doesn't converts to an amount of money to TDF, helps to spread and
> promote LibreOffice. And that's good for TDF as well.
> I think we should encourage people to do that and sugest/ask/encourage
> them to contribute to TDF with part of their profit. But not prohibit them
> to do it if they don't contribute. In any case we are taking advantage of
> them.
> --
> Paulo de Souza Lima
> Técnico em Eletrônica e Administrador
> http://www.pasl.net.br
> http://almalivre.wordpress.com
> Curitiba - PR
> Linux User #432358
> Ubuntu User #28729
> "For people to achieve peace in their relationships, spiritual peace and
> the
> peace among people, it's necessary, earlier, to win the internal battle
> between virtues and defects" - Talal Husseini - Acropolitan Philosopher
> --
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