Hi Jiri,

I love the idea, and when English version is complete, I will love to help
with the Spanish version. I comment, in the readme you should include some
instructions to download and compile the book, for possible contributors to


2017-03-20 12:00 GMT-03:00 Benson Muite <benson_mu...@emailplus.org>:

> Hi,
> This seems very useful.
> It might be possible to adapt the translation wiki tool below to use on
> Pagure.
> http://translate.keeleleek.ee/wiki/Esileht
> https://bitbucket.org/andrjus/minoritytranslate/
> Regards,
> Benson
> On 03/20/2017 01:19 PM, Jiri Eischmann wrote:
> Hi,
> I've finally found time to push forward the "Getting Started with
> Fedora" handbook.
> Just an introduction for those who don't know what it is:
> Almost two years ago, we created a Czech handbook for beginners to
> start with Fedora. It has ~30 pages and we give it away at conferences,
> presentations etc. It's been pretty successful and we decided to
> translate it to English, but the project stalled because it didn't have
> anyone who'd push it forward.
> The handbook was rewritten to Asciidoc and moved to Pagure: 
> https://pagure.io/ambassadors/fedora-handbook
> The current status: it's fully translated to English and the content is
> synced (we originally started translating the first version and the
> Czech origin got updated meanwhile, now the content is the same again)
> and the English version should be the origin from now on. Translations
> of  the chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 have been proofread and should be fine
> language-wise (kudos to Brian Excelbierd?).
> What needs to be done:
> 1. The chapter 4 still needs proofreading by a native speaker.
> 2. English screenshots need to be taken and added.
> 3. We should go through the content and see if there is anything
> missing within the intended scope*. I hope it's where marketing people
> can help. You can read the source files, but if you'd like to read the
> handbook in a formatted form, you can 
> download:https://pagure.io/ambassadors/fedora-handbook/blob/master/f/en-US/handb
> ook.html
> 4. We need to refresh the cover and make it easily translatable. I've
> already filed a ticket about it in the design team track: 
> https://pagure.io/design/issue/508
> 5. Generate a final print PDF. There is no direct converter from
> asciidoc to LaTex we've used for typesetting, but you can convert it to
> Docbook and Docbook to LaTex. The same guy who prepared the print PDF
> for the first Czech release is willing to prepare the English version
> as well.
> 6. Printing - I can handle this for EMEA. The printing-works gave us a
> really good price for good quality - ~$.50 for one print.
> I'd like to get the English version out before Flock. Once it's ready,
> we'll make a release branch. Another release will be worked on in
> master and the release branch will accept fixes and translations.
> I hope to see translations to other languages, especially the widely
> used ones - Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Hindi,...
> Translations will simply get another subdirectories and translators
> will translate whole files. We decided not go with gettext and
> translations systems such as Zanata because first we have no experience
> with them and second translating whole documents per strings or
> paragraphs produces suboptimal results. Moreover the content of the
> handbook should not change so much.
> Every translation will have to find someone who will prepare the final
> print PDF because that's something you can't really automate and the
> volunteer we have now is willing to do only the Czech and English
> versions because he doesn't know typesetting rules for other languages.
> The handbook doesn't require frequent updates because the content is
> pretty general and doesn't refer to particular releases. The first
> version was released two years ago and the content is still pretty much
> OK. We'd like to make one release a year, but if some translations are
> a bit behind or decide to skip one year it should not be a major
> problem.
> Anyone willing to help with any of the todos? ;)
> Jiri
> *I'd like to keep the scope the same: the handbook should get the user
> from visiting our booth or presentation at an event through downloading
> Fedora, installing it to getting familiar with the system. It should
> explain them what makes Fedora interesting and why it's worth a try. It
> should not be a comprehensive guide to Fedora, it should rather link to
> other sources in the end.
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