G’day MarMamers,
We’re very pleased to announce the online publication of the following paper
in Marine Mammal Science:

Jaiteh VF, Allen SJ, Meeuwig JJ & Loneragan NR 2012. Subsurface behaviour of
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) interacting with fish trawl nets in
north-western Australia. Marine Mammal Science DOI:

Most studies of delphinid-trawler interactions have documented the surface
behavior of dolphins feeding on discarded bycatch, but not their subsurface
behavior around demersal trawl gear. Using video cameras mounted inside
trawl nets, we recorded the subsurface behavior of common bottlenose
dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a demersal fish trawl fishery in
northwestern Australia. Footage from 36 trawls across the fishery was
analyzed to determine the extent of dolphin-gear interactions and the
behavior of dolphins inside the nets. Interaction rates were high, with
dolphins present inside and outside the nets during 29 and 34 trawls,
respectively, and for up to 99% of the trawl duration. The proportion of
foraging behaviors exhibited inside the nets was higher than the proportions
of traveling and socializing behaviors. Twenty-nine individuals were
identified inside the net, seven of which returned repeatedly within and
between trawls and fishing trips, but were observed primarily in the same
localized areas in which they were first recorded. Our results suggest that
entering trawl nets may be a frequently occurring, yet specialized behavior
exhibited by a small subset of trawler-associated dolphins. We propose that
gear modifications, not spatial or temporal adjustments to fishing effort,
have the greatest potential to reduce dolphin bycatch.

Key words: bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, underwater video
observation, protected species, bycatch reduction.

If you’d like a copy of the PDF, please email Vanessa
(vanessa.jai...@hotmail.com) or me (s.al...@murdoch.edu.au).

Kind regards, Simon and Vanessa

Simon Allen, Research Fellow
Murdoch University Cetacean Research Unit
Centre for Fish, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystems Research
School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
Murdoch University
90 South St, Murdoch, Western Australia 6150

( (61-8) 9360 2823
Ê (61-8) 9360 6303
À  (61-0) 416 083 653
* s.al...@murdoch.edu.au
ý  http://mucru.org/group-members/simon-allen/



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