Dear MARMAM community,
We are pleased to announce the publication of a new study assessing the 
foraging distribution of Southern Right Whales in Proceedings of the National 
Academy of Sciences:

Derville, S., Torres, L. G., Newsome, S. D., Somes, C. J., Valenzuela, L. O., 
Vander Zandenh, H. B. V, Baker, C. S., Bérubé, M., Busquets-Vass, G., Carlyon, 
K., Childerhouse, S. J., Constantine, R., Dunshea, G., Flores, P. A. C., 
Goldsworthy, S. D., Graham, B., Groch, K., Gröcke, D. R., Harcourt, R., 
Hindell, M. A., Hulva, P., Jackson, J. A., Kennedy, A. S., Lundquist, D., 
Mackays, A. I., Neveceralova, P., Oliveira, L., Ott, P. H., Palsbøll, P. J., 
Patenaude, N. J., Rowntree, V., Sironi, M., Vermeuelen, Els, Watson, M., 
Zerbini, A. N., & Carroll, E. L. (2023). Long-term stability in the circumpolar 
foraging range of a Southern Ocean predator between the eras of whaling and 
rapid climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120, 

Abstract: Assessing environmental changes in Southern Ocean ecosystems is 
difficult due to its remoteness and data sparsity. Monitoring marine predators 
that respond rapidly to environmental variation may enable us to track 
anthropogenic effects on ecosystems. Yet, many long-term datasets of marine 
predators are incomplete because they are spatially constrained and/or track 
ecosystems already modified by industrial fishing and whaling in the latter 
half of the 20th century. Here, we assess the contemporary offshore 
distribution of a wide-ranging marine predator, the southern right whale (SRW, 
Eubalaena australis), that forages on copepods and krill from ~30°S to the 
Antarctic ice edge (>60°S). We analyzed carbon and nitrogen isotope values of 
1,002 skin samples from six genetically distinct SRW populations using a 
customized assignment approach that accounts for temporal and spatial variation 
in the Southern Ocean phytoplankton isoscape. Over the past three decades, SRWs 
increased their use of mid-latitude foraging grounds in the south Atlantic and 
southwest (SW) Indian oceans in the late austral summer and autumn and slightly 
increased their use of high-latitude (>60°S) foraging grounds in the SW 
Pacific, coincident with observed changes in prey distribution and abundance on 
a circumpolar scale. Comparing foraging assignments with whaling records since 
the 18th century showed remarkable stability in use of mid-latitude foraging 
areas. We attribute this consistency across four centuries to the physical 
stability of ocean fronts and resulting productivity in mid-latitude ecosystems 
of the Southern Ocean compared with polar regions that may be more influenced 
by recent climate change.

Please feel free to get in touch to receive a pdf copy 

Solène Derville, PhD (she/her)
Postdoctoral Scholar - Marine Ecology
Marine Mammal Institute | Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation 
Oregon State University | Hatfield Marine Science Center
Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Lab<>

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