republican regime and supported politically by the congressional black
caucus, trans-africa, and most black american reactionary racialists.


Discussing Sudan #1

by Lil Joe


In an article posted simultaneously on [EMAIL PROTECTED],
and [EMAIL PROTECTED] Aduku Addea intimated the necessity
for scientific economic and political analysis of the wars in Sudan.
Aduku's article is presented in the body of this Essay, and his -- along
with Connie White's, Roy Walker's and Gail Daggs' data and analysis are
embedded throughout the Essay.


The hypocritical sentimentalism of British, American, and Israeli
politicians and so-called NGOs is dismissed. It is interesting that the
ideologists and politicians that denounce impoverished Black governments
in neocolonial Africa for demanding foreign aid, and African-America in
America as dependent on 'big government', and in each case chide them to
"do for self", are the very ones who are dismissing inferior Sudan and
the African Union's effort to solve the Sudan crisis.


The myth is that Africans are incapable of "doing for self", thus these
African and African-American ideologists and politicians in their
function as Fifth Columnists function for imperialism by calling on the
"White man" (Western imperialism) to invade and "save" Africans from
Africans! "Whining" and "begging", these ideologists and politicians are
calling on the "White man" to solve the Sudanese crisis by imposing UN
sanctions and/or British-American invasions-occupation. Thus, instead of
allowing Africans to fess up to their history of internal tribal wars
being played out in the present, these ideological agents of
Anglo-American imperialism are blaming the "Arabs" for the present
problems in Sudan.


Mealy mouthing demagogic rhetoric about "Arab colonialism" in Sudan, the
Africans and American African-Americans calling for British
re-colonization conveniently forget that it was the British imperialists
colonialism that created modern Sudan and its problems. Rejecting the
ability of Sudanese, and or the African Union to "do for self" -- i.e.
solve their own problem -- and instead calling for U.S./U.N. economic
sanctions followed by Anglo-American invasion and occupation, these
ideologists of re-colonization by Anglo-American imperialism even
regurgitate the U.S-British rhetoric of calling European and American
occupation forces "peace keepers" although it was/is U.S. and Israeli
arming, training and funding the Christian militias and local tribal
bands to initiate and continue in wars against the Sudanese government.


These are the issues we will be discussing in this Essay.


It is ironic at the outset, that though the African Sudanese are Muslims,
they are Black descendents of Nubians and indigenous to the geography.
The outsiders engendering the perpetual wars in Sudan, the European
Israelis and the Americans the politicians and media has Americans
including African Americans believing that the Sudanese of northern Sudan
are "Arabs" -- invaders -- on one hand, and that the Christian militias
in the south are "indigenous Africans" targets of 'genocide' on the


In actuality, the proxy relationship of the Israeli government and
military to the Christian militias in Sudan is the same as the Israeli
government and military had with the Christian militia in Lebanon, the


The geopolitical function of the Phalange Christian militia as an agency
of murder and destruction in Lebanon -- in alliance with if not quisling
of Israel, and therefore U.S. imperialism:


     Hundreds of Palestinian refugees and other poor 

     people were killed in the slaughter by the Phalange

     militia, which was aligned with Israel during 

     its 1982 invasion of Lebanon.


     The militiamen were let in by the surrounding 

     Israeli forces, who did not intervene as the 

     killing continued. The actual number slaughtered 

     is unknown but amounted to at least several hundred.


     The Phalange attracted Christian youths from the 

     mountains northeast of Beirut as well Christian 

     students in Beirut. The politics of the Phalange 

     party was pro-Western, and they opposed any 



     1982: The Phalangists cooperates with Israel, in 

     planning an attack on Lebanon.

     — June 6: Israel invades Lebanon from its southern 

     border, and its forces start advancing north, 

     reaching Beirut in short time.

     — September: The Phalangists have become the 

     strongest party in Lebanon, thanks to the aid 

     of Israel.

     — September 13: Bashir Gemayel is killed few days 

     before he is to be sworn in as president of Lebanon.

     — September 16: As a way of retaliating the killing 

     of Gemayel, the Phalange militia gets help from 

     the Israeli army to close off the Palestinian 

     quarters of Sabra and Chatila. Then a campaign of 

     killing 2,000 Palestinian civilians over the 

     next 3 days.


In Sudan the function of Christian organization calling itself the
Anya-Nya, which merged with other organizations into the so-called Sudan
People's Liberation Army (SPLA) is to continue wars and consequent
destabilization in the region. According to the mercenary Rolf Steiner,
who fought with the Anya-Nya, Israel was the southern rebels' most
important backer. (Benjamin Beit Hallahmi, The Israeli Connection: Who
Israel Arms and Why pp. 47-49 1987) Millions of U.S. taxpayers money is
donated to maintain these militias.



           Sudan: Israel backs the rebels

          Sudan-Israel, Politics, 9/16/2002 


     The official spokesman for the Sudanese army 

     Lt. Gen. Muhammad Bashir Suleiman said the link 

     between the rebels movement with Israel through 

     providing the rebels with weapons and training 

     and the existence of Israeli experts in the 

     lines of the rebels is a well known fact admitted 

     by the leader of the rebels and was disclosed 

     through John Garang's repeated visit to Israel.



     Ever since the 1960s, the southern Christians 

     have been in a state of organized rebellion against 

     the Khartoum administration run by the Muslim 

     Arabs in the north. This rebellion is organized 

     by a Christian organization calling itself the 



     As can be imagined, Israel heads the list of 

     those backing the Anya-Nya uprising. In his 

     book The Israeli Connection, Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi 

     reveals that Israel has supported the southern 

     rebels since the 1960s. Ever since that time, 

     Israel has given the Anya-Nya movement arms 

     and military training.


     Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Halim, the Sudanese ambassador to 

     Egypt told the Egyptian Al-Ahram Weekly that, 

     "The (Anya-Aya qua SPLA) gains on the battlefront 

     are primarily due to Israeli and Eritrean military 

     assistance." Facts that emerged over time 

     revealed that Israel was the real source of the 

     Christian rebels' arms, smuggled in by the 

     Protestant and Catholic churches hidden in 



To understand what's really going down in Sudan one must reject the
hypocritical, demagogic sentimentalism of British and American
politicians, and objectively, critically read the press and analyze the
media, which as evident by the journalism leading to the invasion of
Iraq, and "war coverage" proved they are more propaganda than "news".


Also, I reject the anti-Arab racist demagogy of having, in America, Black
Democrats, and so-called "progressives" pretend that the reason they are
siding with U.S. imperialism and Zionism, against Sudan -- the Land of
the Blacks -- is because the Christian and ethnic militias are "Black
Africans" and, according to media propaganda the Muslims are "Arabs". As
Connie White shows, below these political hypocrites don't give a damn
about Africans in America or Africans in Africa.


It is all the more necessary to consciously dismiss sentimentalism from
political, and in the last instance economic analysis by realization, and
understanding that the public display by American politicians and media
pundits of fake sentimentalism is nothing but show -- that is inessential
masquerading as essential. This display of bourgeois sentimentalism, of
publicly shedding of crocodile tears for "Black Africans" by American
politicians and media pundits is as Connie White says nothing but an
attempt to politically manipulate Americans generally, and Black
Americans by Black politicians in particular.


The demand of objectivity in America, and in this instance specifically
gullible African-Americans requires self-critical and objective critical
thinking. Negating gullibility is the praxis of practical-critical
thinking ridding oneself of the lies derived from having internalized
acceptance of authority of bourgeois professors, politicians and media


Society is an ensemble of social relations based in objectively
conflicting economic and political interests subsumed in conflicting
class interests. The level of developments in the productive forces,
class property results in political society in which technology is the
class property of the most powerful, economically dominate class. The
class that is economically, and therefore politically dominate is the 
class that owns consequently dominate the culture, the material means of
communication and education. Socialization and education is acculturation
in class dominating culture.


The ruling ideas in class culture are the ideas of the ruling class,
material relations of production and corresponding economic form of
appropriations grasped as ideas in which the interests of the
economically dominate class are internalized as normal if not natural.
The epistemological method of critical practical thinking by members of
the oppressed, rising class establishes material objectivity based in a
materialist conception of history -- that is, revolutionary ideas in an
epoch presupposes the existence of revolutionary classes.


American capitalism is established from a history of class struggles,
regional and ethnic in consequence of African racial slavery on one hand,
and genocidal massacres of indigenous or "native American" peoples on the


Thus American race culture is predicated in the culture of class
exploitation of slaves, from Africans. Relations of production is in the
form of race relations.


What is essential, property is non-empirical but essential qua legal or
title of ownership. In this instance among African slaves were the
property of capitalists resulting at first sight in superficial
recognition seeing the capitalist owner as a "White man" and it is
subsequently legally declared that the slave qua "Black man" has not
rights. Thus at this superficial level of mutual recognition and
dehumanization the class struggles between slaves and slave-owners are
seen as racial strife: class war as race war.


Here consciousness in racial slavery is superficial, primitive race
consciousness. Sense perception is determinate in that the color of the
slave and of the master dominates consciousness of both as characteristic
of each.


The "Whiteness" of Thomas Jefferson as a property holder is
Constitutionally protected -- where in the Preamble to the declaration of
Independence Jefferson et al wrote that "all men were created equal", as
the original intent of the Constitution was to make clear that "all men"
was specific to property owning White men" -- Africans, Native Americans,
Women and originally property less White men were excluded. It was not
the "Blackness" of Sally Hemming that subjected her to rape by Jefferson
(whether man or woman, sexual relations between slaves and slave-owners
consensual or not is the compulsion of circumstances and therefore is




The characterization of "slave" as "race" is superficial because it does
not penetrate beneath the obvious sensuous perception and does not go
beyond impressions-description. An African is an African. Only under
certain conditions does he become a slave. The slave owners as a class
control the slate, which is comprised of special bodies of armed men
whose job is to enforce the slave-owners property rights. Thus the
economical emancipation of the slaves requires revolutionary destruction
of the techno-economic conditions and sociopolitical powers overthrown


It is not the "White man" but the social relation that must be destroyed.
Coming to this cognition is derived through "practical-critical" activity
in the class struggle, praxis.


The recognition that snow is white and coal is black is empirical facts
that are acknowledged. To rest at the description of whiteness as a
quality of snow, or blackness of coal does not explain the essential
qualities that make snow appear white and coal black to the color vision
of humans, the explanations why snow is white and coal black.


Ice -- frozen water or water in its solid state is hard. But, so is an
igneous rock. To determine the difference between objects: "meaning", or
why "this" is "this" and "that" is "That", on the level of pure sense
perception i.e. their respective hardness is to consider only their
negative relation: this is not that. But "that" is also a "this", and not
a "that". An iron pipe is also "hard", but is neither the "this" nor the
"that" but a third other, and so on establishing the category of
hardness. But while this infinite series of hard items have hardness in
common yet hardness is only one quality that each of these things


The various objects possess other qualities, such as size, weight, &C.
that is quantitative measurement. Measurement however is a rational
activity, which presupposes the thinking Subject. The Subject is a
thinking Ego in negative relation to other objects including other
thinking Subjects.


The unity of the subject and object is surmounting of the object, is
appropriation of it or comprehending of what it is in-itself or
penetrating the object by probing, testing, distinguishing. The various
things are different one from the other in their respective actuality and
understood as totalities insomuch as scientific reasoning has
distinguished each is comprised of different and distinct chemicals,
compounds, proton and electrons combinations.


Reason is dialectical and negative penetrating the obvious thus
confronting, criticizing, a restless epistemology from the obvious of
appearance of things and people to grasp the essential, the necessity.
Property in the thing, or person owned is neither the thing nor the
person owned, but a social relation between people and things.


Human beings in the state of nature are not by nature competitive, nor do
they "by nature" seek to dominate one over another. There is nothing in
the nature of men that strives to dominate women, or other men. There in
nothing in the human genetic code that makes enemies of Blacks and
Whites, Jews and Arabs, or Christian and Muslim. Why do they kill each
other? What the hells going on in the "Middle East" and Sudan?


To investigate a problem -- surmount the object -- examine it requires
proper tools. For us, the property tools are relevant forms of scientific
reasoning and critical thinking. The fundamental question, as the Army
Intelligence guy said in Oliver Stone's JFK is who benefits? Not the poor
destitute workers and farmers bashing each other's brains out and sniping
one another.


The primary beneficiaries from armed conflicts are the arms industries
and merchants, and the finance capitalists who provide the capital. The
beneficiaries also are the demagogic politicians, nationalists and
religious zealots manipulating the masses against "the enemy". This is
where Martin Luther King Jr. was so important.


At the August 1963 March on Washington, Dr. King told the country of his
dream that "all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and
Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing
in the words of the old Negro spiritual, 'Free at last, free at last.
Thank God almighty, I'm free at last."'


The quintessential difference is not one of race or religion but of the
manipulation of symbols of race and religion, used to compel the workers
and farmers to subordinate their human interests in love, work and reason
-- the wellsprings of human social life -- into perverted egoism, fear
and irrational hatred. The ideological struggle in the working-class is
the struggle against alienated consciousness, against irrational hatreds
e.g. racism, sexism, nationalism and war and in this revising those
passions directing them at a struggle against the socio-economic
conditions which engenders egoism, fear, irrational hatred.


I am presently critiquing the superficial race consciousness among the
American African-American workers being exploited by demagogic "Black"
Democrats, masquerading as "Black nationalists" manipulating gullible
American African-American workers "Arabs in Sudan" the same jingoism used
to whip White workers up into patriotism endorsing U.S. military invasion
and occupation of "rough states". Make no mistaking in calculating the
truth: The Democratic Blacks and Republican Whites, or more accurately
Democrats and Republican masquerading as Blacks and Whites, Christians
and patriots don't give a damn for the suffering of Africans anywhere on


Joe Williams III once wrote of Jesse Jackson "is not the representative
of the Black community in the democratic Party but the representative of
the democratic Party in the Black community." The same is true of the
entire membership of the Democratic Party's Congressional Black Caucus.


The government is worried as hell of what oppressed Blacks will do
if/when American troops invade Africa maiming, killing, raping,
torturing, pillaging -- in general do in the African Sudan what they are
presently doing in Iraqi. The Government never knows how inner city
Blacks will respond to an attack. Often when police kill Black men in the
hood the hood rise up in armed rebellion. 


This is where the Congressional Black Caucus comes in. The CBC, together
with Negroes of the NAACP, Urban League, TransAfrica and so on are
expected to produce gullibility and passivity in the Black community.
These Americanized Negroes job is to at the very least pre-empt inner
city Black rebellions in the U.S., and if they're real good boys N' Gals
these political Amos N' Andy's will get a bonus from the Ford Foundation
and Zionist lobbies if they can pull enough Blacks fools into supporting
the U.S. invasion and occupation of Sudan killing and maiming.


Connie White pointed out the charade of Democrats masquerading as
representatives of oppressed Blacks the Black Congressional Congress,
Democrats one and all masquerade as concerned "Black folk" as they
advance the interests of U.S. imperialism.


In an article titled, simply and succinctly Sudan, posted by

[EMAIL PROTECTED], Connie White wrote:


       The "race card" is something that Americans

       fall for easily. It is used indiscriminately

       by bourgeois ideologists and politicians alike

       to get one or the other "race" on its/their

       side for any given issue. In the case of Sudan,

       the "race card" that is being played is that

       of Arabs against Africans. Since the 9/11

       attack on the Twin Towers in New York City,

       and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., the

       "race card" against Arabs around the world

       has been played over and over again.


       So it is today in Sudan. We African-Americans,

       and Africans around the world should not be

       so foolhardy as to let the politicians play

       us like the proverbial harp! The

       Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) are paid to

       do the bidding of capitalism, and to protect

       capitalist interests around the world by using

       the "race card" -- so it is understandable

       that the CBC would stage "hunger" sit-ins

       and other visible actions as "Blacks" in

       opposition to "those Arabs in Sudan killing

       Africans." Bullshit!! The CBC doesn't care

       anymore about Africans in Sudan than they

       cared about Africans in Zimbabwe starving

       and living in poverty, than they care about

       the U.S. government sending over $10 billion

       dollars a year in financial and military

       support to Israel to kill Palestinians, and

       than they care about Iraqi or Afghani women

       and children being murdered daily by their

       approval of U.S. military personnel in Middle



       The first thing that gets my attention when

       trying to analyze a world situation is where

       U.S. financial and military support has been

       given related to that situation. In Sudan,

       the so-called "rebels" have been supported

       financially and militarily by the U.S. since

       at least 1996, or before…


Gale Daggs subsequently provides information that underscores Connie's
analysis with facts: Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 3:55 AM U.S. Congress
resolution from the House on declaring genocide in Darfur



2d Session

H. CON. RES. 467

Declaring genocide in Darfur, Sudan.


June 24, 2004

Mr. Payne (for himself, Mr. Cummings, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Wynn, Ms. Lee,
Ms. Majette, Mrs. Christensen, Mr. Davis, Ms. Waters, Mr. Jackson, Ms.
Norton, Mr. Scott, Ms. Millender-McConald, Mr. Davis, Mr. Rush, Mr.
Towns, Mr. Rangels, Mr. Meeks, Ms. Jackson-Lee and others masquerading as
"representatives of oppressed Black worker interests putting on a show
shedding crocodile tears for "Black Africans" in Sudan even as on the
other hand these Democrats submitted the following concurrent 
resolution; which was referred to the Committee on International
Relations Declaring genocide in Darfur, Sudan thus pushing for sanctions,


Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That


(1) declares that the atrocities unfolding in Darfur, Sudan, are

(2) reminds the international community, including the United States

Government, of their international legal obligations, as affirmed in the
1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the
Crime of Genocide;

(3) urges the Bush Administration to call the atrocities being committed
in Darfur, Sudan by its rightful name: `genocide';

(4) calls on the Bush Administration to lead an international effort to

prevent genocide in Darfur, Sudan;

(5) urges the Bush Administration to seriously consider multilateral or
even unilateral intervention to prevent genocide should the United
Nations Security Council fail to act;

(6) demands that the Bush Administration impose targeted sanctions,

including visa bans and the freezing of assets of the National Congress
and affiliated business and individuals directly responsible for the
atrocities in Darfur, Sudan.


The Congressional Black Democrats, and of Democrats in unison in union
with Republicans, called on President Bush to make moves against Sudan,
and aid the southern mercenaries by visibly showcasing their pigmentation
as politics, the race card and appearing to be making demands on an
otherwise unconcerned Bush is balderdash! The Republican
neo-conservatives and reactionary Christian Zionist of the
Racist-White-Right of the Republican Party, together with professional
Jew qua Jews, Zionists and Israeli lobbyists were long in the camp of the
Sudanese "Christian militias"


Snip: The origins of the civil war in the south date back to the 1950s.
By 1969 the rebels had developed foreign contacts to obtain weapons and
supplies. Israel, for example, trained Anya Nya recruits and shipped
weapons via Ethiopia and Uganda to the rebels.



Snip: Ever since the 1960s, the southern Christians have been in a state
of organized rebellion against the Khartoum administration run by the
Muslim Arabs in the north. This rebellion is organized by a Christian
organization calling itself the 'Anya-Nya.'"



"But why was Israel so interested in a landlocked country in Central
Africa? Israel was backing rebellion in southern Sudan to punish Sudan
for supporting the Arab cause in the Six-Day War. "They do not want the
rebels to win. They want to keep them fighting."



"An EIR team probing the causes behind the genocidal wars that have been
ravaging East and Central Africa over the last four years, has uncovered
a covert arms and logistical supply network run out of the U.S. State
Department, which mirrors precisely the notorious Iran-Contra arms supply
operation of the 1980s. …EIR has uncovered two, overlapping operations.
First, is the covert supply of arms to the Sudanese People's Liberation
Army (SPLA) of John Garang, which has waged a totally unsuccessful but
nevertheless genocidal war against the Sudan government since 1983.



Snip: When, on May 3, 2000 US president George W. Bush said in a speech
to the American Jewish committee that 'we must turn the eyes of the world
upon the atrocities in Sudan" but only as a "first step', adding that
"more will follow", he knew what he was talking about. At the end of May
the Bush administration announced that it had decided to grant $3 million
to the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), an umbrella organisation
opposed to the government in Khartoum, and to release to the Sudanese
Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA) the $10 million already earmarked for this
southern Christian rebel group. And on June 14 the US House of
Representatives voted to prohibit foreign oil-companies that do business
in Sudan from raising capital in the US or listing their securities in
American financial markets. The legislators, who voted for this decision
by 422 votes to 2, accused the "Muslim-dominated" governments of using
oil revenues to commit "genocide" against the Christian and animist
people of the south.


U.S. imperialisms foreign policy in Middle Asia and North Africa, the
Afro-Asian Islamic world is represented through European Khazars
masquerading as Jews qua Israeli policy on one hand, and in the U.S.
House of Representatives and in the media by democrats in natural Black
face, the CBC on the other. These Black Democrats are the same House
Niggers, who in the interest of British imperialism, and in defense of
expropriated property by White settler-colonists, voted for economic
sanctions on Black Zimbabwe. 





NOTE: Roy Walker wrote an Appeal to Africans to Africanize perspective on
African problems, warning of the hypocrisy, and indeed danger of allowing
African ideological and political Quislings of imperialist interests
turning Africa over to the former colonial powers. Roy Walker's Appeal is
a brief but insightful statement of introduction to the Sudan discussion
of the African Union (AU) Finding and Perspective on the Sudan crisis.


Posted 25 July 2004 

Subject:  Africa, the world, and the situation in Western Sudan

Roy Walker wrote:


"With Negro leaders, in and out of the US Congress, joining hands with
the Zionist and imperialist blocs running this country usurping Africa's
role in settling it's own disputes, it is useful for us to look at what
the AU has decided about the situation in western Sudan.  As inept,
insufficient, and backward as the AU can be, it is still the organization
that represents Africa, certainly much more than the Zionist lobby; the
CBC; Jesse Jackson; the elements people like S. Booker work for; the
so-called religious right in the Us; or the western governments; or for
that matter the hand puppet of imperialism, the United Nations.  Let us
put a stop to this brother killing brother, brother killing sister,
sister killing sister, sister killing brother; where ever we find it; but
let us not be tricked into advancing the Zionist and imperialist
objectives and goals.  African problems require African solutions.  A
insufficient AU is a better option than the US Congress, the British
Parliament, the UN Security Council, the Bush Administration, the Knesset
and other Zionist entities, the moral majority-types, and the phony white
and Negro liberals pretending to speak for the interest of African


What follows is the definitive AU statement on the situation in Darfur...




13 APRIL 2004







Page 1




To read Roy Walker posts text of the Report - Go to:



To be continued ..

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