I'm not sure that abstract mathematics was altogether "destroyed" in the
Soviet Union's academics, because of some anecdotal evidence I have.

When I was an undergraduate in 1968, the honors math majors ( the best math
students) _had_ to take Russian language courses, because so much of the
world's advanced math and physics was being done by Soviets. 


Ralph Dumain 
It's really sickening to have to read this sort of material, though I am 
interested in nonstandard analysis in China, about which I know 
nothing.  First of all, the ignorant and destructive Stalinist nonsense 
against abstract mathematics shows up the obscene degradation of Marxism in 
backward, modernizing 3rd world countries.

Secondly, that anyone would even need to resurrect Marx's math mss to 
justify abstract mathematics indicated just how bankrupt the 
authoritarianism institutionalized by Third International Marxism really

That name Yanovskaya sounds familiar.  I wonder if she is the one who 
strove to keep logic alive during the dark days of the Stalin years.  It's 
interesting in light of the history of resistance of the Russian 
intelligentsia to despotism.  The whole 19th century was a century of such 
resistance, of which the Bolsheviks were a product.  Once the Bolsheviks 
took power, and the regime degenerated towards the end of the 1920s, the 
intelligentsia had to figure out a way to survive _them_.   With this kind 
of ignorance lording over scientific work, we can only wonder that the USSR 
didn't collapse much sooner.  We can't wonder, though, that the Chinese 
Cultural Revolution self-destructed as quickly as it did, since Mao and his 
friends seem to be even dumber than Stalin was.  Good riddance to bad

Several attempts have been made to inflate Marx's mss for various 
purposes.  I wonder about that fellow from Mozambique, Paulus Gerdus, 
author of MARX DEMYSTIFIES CALCULUS, who is now into ethnomathematics.  I 
smelled a rat from the beginning, but I haven't looked into this in depth.

Overcoming the provincialism of intellectual traditions is not an easy 
task.  With friends like these pissing in the sciences, who needs enemies?

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