On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 13:51:13 -0800 (PST) andie nachgeborenen
> In fact all the standard examples of scientific
> revolutions come from science done by
> non-dialectically trained thinkers -- Lavoisier's
> discovery of oxygen, Einstein's theory of relativity,
> Heisenberg, Dirac, and Bohr's development of quantum
> theory, etc. 

How could I have let that one slip by me.
In the case of Bohr, we have hear someone
who WAS a dialectically trained thinker,
although the sort of dialectics that he
was attracted to was the dialectics of
his fellow countryman, Sorens Kierkegaard.
I discussed Bohr on this list back in 1999:

> Anytway, I tink taht the meaning of diaklectics in,
> for example, Hegel or (to a lesser extent) Marx is a
> valid topic for inquiry, there has been less than no
> payoff in the idea that there is something called the
> dialectical method which can be grasp in advance of
> and apart from one's scientific work in concreto and
> used to adavance thatw ork.
> jks
> --- Jim Farmelant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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