I recall a lecturer on S. Freud that asserted and successfully demonstrated that psychoanalysis is a social psychology.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Charles Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'Forum for the discussion of theoretical issues raised by Karl Marx andthe thinkers he inspired'" <marxism-thaxis@lists.econ.utah.edu>
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 21:58
Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] O, Dialectics! :Bakhurst

Ilyenkov explains that plain materialists and idealists alike make the
error of viewing the boundary between the material and the ideal as being
the world of the inside versus that of the outside of each individual
human head.  In contrast, he argues that according to dialectical
materialism, ideality and materiality must be distinguished in terms of
the composition of each object - both the composition of the physical
attributes, which of course are the sources of its materiality, and the
composition of its social origins and social context, which are the
sources of its ideality -

CB: This distinction between inside and outside of the individual's head is
what I was getting at in saying all psychology is social psychology.


just as Marx analyzed the composition of the
commodity.  According to Ilyenkov's theory, objects within the human
cultural realm objectively possess both materiality and ideality, just as
commodities in a market economy possess both concrete and abstract labor,
possess both use-value and exchange-value.

This is not, by the way, Ilyenkov's invention, but the essence of Marx's
critique of Feuerbach in Ad Feuerbach and of Lenin's critique of Plekhanov
in the Conspectus.  The boundary between ideal and real is objective,
external to the subjective consciousness of the individual.

CB: Perhaps from Marx's practical-critical activity, the "practical"
corresponds to Ilyenkov's "material" and the "critical" corresponds to
Ilyenkov's "ideal"

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