Clearly senility is setting in.  But you are an admirer of Cornel  West, as 
I recall.  You probably like Michael Dyson even better.
At 12:12 AM 4/17/2007 -0400, _Waistline2 at aol.com_
(mailto:Waistline2 at
<> ) 

>The white boyz understand the words they use and they greet each  other and
>say "my nigga," . . . every Marxist worth their salt should  stand at 

Well .. . the whole point of the article from which you selectively quote,  
was the post Jim Crow era and the Hip Hop culture. 
Here is the sentence that U selectively altered: 
"The white boyz understand the words they use and they greet each other and

say "my nigga," . . . every Marxist worth their salt should stand at 
attention,  listen and think . . . Post Jim Crow Era." 
Listen and think . . . observe and travel the real America . . .Ralph. I  
fail to see what Cornel West has to do with the Post Jim Crow era and Hip
culture; this nappy head ho discussion and Imus fronting. Fronting means  
"passing" and passing in the Jim Crow era had a double meaning: light
blacks passing for white and individuals passing themselves off as members
different class segments. Segments of young people world wide have
rap and the Hip hop culture, no doubt due to the strength of American  
imperialism, and many of these young folks identify with niggas . . . as
understand class, alienation, rebellion, upwards mobility, poverty, culture
and  life 
Imus was fronting. 
The deeper issue is the evolution of American culture and why it must pivot

on the African Americans. 
Ralph . . . Why U fronting on Me. ;-)
Melvin P. 

CB; I believe Zora Neale Hurston said women are the niggers of the world.

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