I don't have time to bore you with the lengthy reasoning, deliberation, and 
conversation that went into the following conclusions I reached in the past 

(1) After the Pennsylvania primary, Clinton should withdraw from the race.

(2) The Clintons should throw the full weight of their influence behind Obama.

(3) Obama should pick John Edwards as his running mate.

(4) If the Democrats play their cards right, they can beat McCain in November.

(5) It will be a tight situation, but even with negative press coverage, Obama 
has enough positive pull in the press to match it.  The positives and negatives 
for Obama, in comparison to those for Hillary, and also to those for Mccain, 
come out in favor of Obama, especially coupled with Edwards.

(6) Symbolic capital: Though symbolism doesn't mean much to me personally, 
here's how I see it.  Clinton has to follow through on the Pennsylvania 
primary.  If she were to win by a landslide, that would be an even better time 
to drop out.  In any case, she will go down in history (with Bill) as a person 
who put the good of the country against vulgar personal ambition; if not the 
first woman president, then the white woman who helped the first black 
president get elected. Edwards has even more positives than Clinton could 
possibly have.  Symbolically, a Southern white man (with a populist profile) as 
a junior partner to our first black president-elect would pack a symbolic 
wallop.  Though it won't solve any world problems materially, an 
Obama(-Edwards) victory would drastically elevate the USA's damaged prestige in 
the world.

I don't say any of this out of a misplaced audacity of hope or any radical 
change I believe in, or any particular political allegiance to Obama.  Given 
the cards dealt, I think this is the best option.  It's good for the Democratic 
Party, and it's good for the country.

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