I should think the Obama dream team might be one of the following:

1. An Hispanic VP candidate from California or Texas.

2. An Hispanic VP candidate from one of these places who is also a woman.

3. A white male ethnic from the NE or MidAtlantic, preferably a Roman Catholic.

All of these should be about his age, preferably just a bit younger.
Perhaps a bit left of where he is (that shouldn't be that hard), but a
known advocate on other issues. Such as health care and education at a
state or regional level.

The old geographic strategies don't work. Edwards didn't help Kerry
carry the south. A Democrat isn't going to get the right-wing
Southerner (Repug, Demoncrat or Independent, mostly white) vote
anyway. If there is low turn out, and the Repugs get Florida (watch
out for the 'absentee' vote again in the conservative northern
counties, as well all those in the US military bases there) and Ohio,
it's curtains for the Democrats. The sort of distortions in the
two-party system that have helped Obama win his party, help the
Repbulican party to win presidential elections. Obama needs to be
prepared to go way out on a limb to win the presidency. If he tries to
shift right anymore than he already is, he loses.
He has proven to be the best speech giver of the current election. Off
the cuff, he is not very good, but better than McCain. But the tests
of his leadership have just begun.

In a nutshell, I don't think he has to worry about losing the vote of
the people who are left of him on the key issues. He seems to have an
ability to keep them interested and enthusiastic, unlike the hapless
Kerry. But he needs to get a large turnout and large registrations
from among the Hispanics (all ages) and the young white vote.


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