WL:>>As a practical question it never occurred to me to challenge individuals
about their belief system and I generally work with people around specific
issues that do not require philosophic debate as a precondition for activity.
Further, I long ago gave up philosophic discussions under the banner of being
"anti-philosophy." After all the philosophers have only interpreted
the world in
various ways. The communist approach is to more accurately describe the world
in  which we live as the basis to grapple with the practical questions facing
 the proletarian movement. I leave the great philosophic  debates to
my betters. <<

The irony being, I should think you could reach more people by trying
to have philosophy debates and challenges of belief systems on an
e-mail discussion list  than you can in any curent 'proletarian
movement'. To be quite honest, the communist movements to which you
sometimes refer seem like more far-out fantasies than these


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