It should be noted that before the
actions of the Third Reich had discredited
eugenics.  It was something that was
widely supported by intellectuals across
the board from far right to far left,
and all points in between.  Bertrand
Russell and G.B. Shaw were noted
supporters of eugenics.  It also
had the support of many Marxists
including for instance, Trotsky.
Thus Trotsky in his article,
"If America should go Communist"
wrote the following concerning eugenics -
note the distinction that he drew between the
kind of eugenics that he supported and the
kind that the Nazis supported:

"While the romantic numskulls of Nazi 
Germany are dreaming of restoring the 
old race of Europe’s Dark Forest to its 
original purity, or rather its original 
filth, you Americans, after taking a firm 
grip on your economic machinery and your 
culture, will apply genuine scientific 
methods to the problem of eugenics. 
Within a century, out of your melting pot 
of races there will come a new breed of 
men – the first worthy of the name of Man."

Jim F.

---------- Original Message ----------
Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] What's wrong with eugenics?
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 23:43:18 EDT

In a message dated 8/20/2009 6:36:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

>> Are you confused by the capitalization-to-start-sentences  style rule I  
(unfortunately) adhered to?  eugenics  (nonrestrictive noun) is not  
Eugenics (restrictive noun).  The  former's meaning is determined by  
the meaning of the words comprising  it: *eu* (good) plus *genics*  
(pertaining to heredity): its cognates  are such words as "euphoria"  
and "generation."  The latter, as  indicated by the upper-case E, has a  
meaning restricted to the  definition intended by the speaker, and  
there are indefinitely many  such definitions.<<

Well . . . yes, I am utterly confused. By eugenics what is meant is  
something totally different from what one finds when they access the word on  
As I understand things in my confusion, what is meant is the striving for  
"good health" through the selection of "positive" - (life affirming  
hereditary traits that strengthen the human organism and increases longevity)  
compatible "genetic material" in a mate.  If this  approximate your meaning 
then I suggest Arnold Ehret who describes how this  process spontaneous 
process operates amongst human beings.  Then he  describes what in the 
environment blunts this spontaneous process and how to  detoxify the human from 
legacy of property and industrial society. 
>> eugenics is universal among mammals and birds and  most other  
terrestrial animals.  It is the key factor making  evolution a  
conscious, not a random process. Darwin called it "sexual  selection.

communism is the *beginning* of history because only in a  communist  
society because only then will eugenics become a social  goal, the  
evolution of our species the object of a *fully* conscious  process.<<
I do agree that only in a communist society - after the human has been  
detoxified of the muck of property, and roughly seven generation have had an  
opportunity to close the metabolic breach, the pursuit of good health becomes 
a  full societal goal. 

Until then finding the optimal mate is hit and miss,  due to the misfiring 
and dysfunction of the senses. Human's possess  the innate ability to smell 
ones optimal mate. However, property has distorted  our nose and makes it a 
Not for nothing have men wrote poetry to the beauty of hair, which under  
optimal conditions operate as extensions of our sexual organs. The smell of 
hair  is a powerful thing to a healthy clear human body. Capital created 
fragrance to  cover up and replace natural smell. To this day we sing of "the 
touch of your  hand" because when one touches the optimal mate the electrical 
charge of the  cells are excited. Much of these sense perceptions have been 
lost and/or blunted  by property, capital and wrong consumption. 
Do read Ehret. 
There are some interesting proposition put forth by Zechariah Sitchin in  
his description of the genetic manipulation of man and the optimal hereditary 
 factors need to produced the healthiest offspring's. 
I am interested in any material suggested on this topic, provided it steers 
 clear of racial theory and natural selection based on ideological concepts 
of  class and/or class as a social index. 

Park City Express
Direct Private Transportation to Park City Resort and Deer Valley

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