cb31450 at gmail.com writes:

>> CB: Shane's posts are not racist/white  chauvinist.<<


Why the subterfuge ?  I wrote nothing about Shane's post. I responded to the
question: "What's wrong with eugenics." Why not still to the point?

CB: I'm replying to where you say  "Shane is a racist".  All I know of
Shane is his posts to these lists. I don't know what he does aside
from posting to these lists. His posting to these lists, including his
comment on eugenics are not racist or white chauvinist or white
supremicist, in my opinion.   His "what's wrong with eugenics ?"  I
took as half joking, not to advocate in favor of the well known
historically racist eugenics efforts.   Not all historical eugenic
theories were based on a theory of races.

I'd say Trotsky's discussion of eugenics is not racist in the sense of
espousing a theory of human races as the basis for making eugenics
decisions. There is some ignorance of how racist the American history
and situation was in that he looks to the US to lead in eugenics,
fails to understand that US racism would likely mare any eugenics
program here. Although , he does pose it as a Soviet America, which
would mean there had been a world historic defeat of racism in the US
as a premise to a Soviet America.


What posts are you referring to?

CB: Shane's posts on this thread and through the years.


The striving to create better  people is racist. The eugenics movement is
inherent racist.


CB:  I can't say that I subscribe to any "old" eugenics theories, but
not all eugenics theories are based on the notion that there are
better and lesser races.

Today there is a potential for genetic engineering.  If there are
forms of genetically based blindness from birth, and there is
discovered a way to prevent that genetically based blindness, to
prevent it would not be racist or a bad thing in general. Some forms
of cancer, heart disease and other pretty much universally recognized
diseased conditions have genetic components to their etiologies.
Nothing wrong with curing these through genetic engineering

The notiion that it is preferable to be sighted than blind does not
entail a notion that the sighted and blind constitute two different
races. Same with cancered or not cancered , or heart diseased or not
heart diseased.

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