The idea of creating "better humans" presuppose qualifying what is "better"
 and according to the founder of the eugenics movement, "better" is a class
and  social construct based on economic status and productive worth for
capital.  Productive worth for capital is called survival of the fittest. Those
who cannot  find a buyer of their labor power are deemed unfit, with their
idleness serving  as prove of "unfitness" rather than prove of capital
inherent inability to grow  human productiveness free of crisis and

One can simply punch in the word Eugenics and read the wealth of material
on this subject. Eugenics is a social movement reacting to capital's
creation of  a surplus population whose value to society - organized
as capital,
could only  be realized during periods of industrial boom.


CB: On the other hand, there is some truth to the old saying that the
rich get richer and the poor get children under capitalism. That is,
those who are poor because they have trouble selling their labor power
may end up more fit than the rich in Darwinian sense of fitness :
being represented by children in future generations. The relative
surplus population may be more Darwinan fit than the rich, with all
their geniuses.

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