On 9/29/09, waistli...@aol.com waistli...@aol.com> wrote:
> > Communists and socialist are faced with a  challenge;  "If you guys are
> so
> > smart what kind of system do  you propose and how will it generally
> operate?"
> ^^^^
> CB: True, but  maybe we should dispense with these names in our mass
> work, and take up  Michael Moore's terminology.
> Reply
> I do not do mass media work. Michael Moore does what he does, he makes
> movies and I do not. Nor does any of my comrades. Our sphere of work is 
> amongst
>  a layer of the workers, who 99% are not anti-communist.
 In fact most have
> not a  clue as to what the word means.


So, this layer of workers is asking a sophisticated question, a
question about "the system",  to the communists and socialists "if you
guys are so smart what kind of system do you propose and how will it
operate generally operate ?", but they do not have a clue as to what
the word "communist "means ?   That doesn't ring true. First of all ,
you have been talking to them for a while, so they already have heard
of the term communist. Then it is certain that you have already clued
them into some of its meaning. Finally, they gotta be a bit , if not
rabidly, anti-communist because they have lived in this country for
all their lives, and they are asking you, a communist, a challenging
question, as you put it.


The literary petty bourgeois
> intellectual pretty  much fall outside of my sphere of work - by choice.

Well, preachers, lawyers, judges,  journalists, accountants,
politicians, city officials, students, professors and all sorts of
other literary petty bourgeois intellectuals don't fall outside the
sphere of work of your comrades in Detroit when they are trying
fighting for poor people's rights to water, housing . When I work with
your comrades  fighting for water as a human right for low-income
Detroiters or stopping the evictions of a bunch of people in an
apartment building in Highland Park, with me representing the tenants,
or Welfare Rights in general they deal with all kinds of literary
petty bourgeois intellectuals.  I see  Maureen and Marian working with
them all the time. They use more Michael Moore type terminology in
their mass work.

> We have some ideas about mass work and "mass literature," which 99.9% does
> not include the mass media, if I understand  your use of this term.

Actually, if you look I didn't say mass _media_. I said just mass work.

The monopoly media is very corrupt on these issues. That's part of why
Moore's breakthrough in it , saying we need to replace capitalism with
democracy,  is so extraordinary


In your
>  mass media work - as an individual, it is totally to your discretion how
> to  identify yourself. I am not a spokesperson for any organization, although
> I  belong to several. As a communist, I advocate economic communism and
> every  energy is geared towards winning the individual to the cause of
> communism and  rearing the next generation of communist in America.

Ok , but like the Bolivarians in Venezuela, the terminology used by
the next generation might be more like Michael Moore's

> In the moment I have always fought for the objectives of the moment under
> the banner victory to the workers in their current struggle. For instance,
> most  folks understood I was some kind of communists "something" in my trade
> union  work. When the issue was a strike I deal with the strike rather than
> theories  and ideology of communism. In my personal contact with individuals
> I make an  assessment of what kind of literature and propaganda is
> appropriate to the  moment.
> Actually, 99% of my work - for the past 40 years, deal with real struggles,
>  with only one assignment in the mass media. What creates a communist
> ideological  polarity, as a precondition to a political polarity, is an
> organization  dedicated to that.
> WL.

I didn't say mass _media_, although Michael Moore's opens up a
possibility of addressing even the mass media in terms such as
"replace capitalism with democracy"

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