>>> So, this layer of workers is asking a sophisticated question,  a
question about "the system", to the communists and socialists "if  you
guys are so smart what kind of system do you propose and how will  it
operate generally operate ?", but they do not have a clue as to  what
the word "communist "means ? That doesn't ring true. First of all  ,
you have been talking to them for a while, so they already have heard
of  the term communist.<< 

You miss the point. The point is “what is the solution.”  I will try  and 
write clearer. Other layers of the workers ask the same question. Take  
health care. “How will universal health care be paid for.”  Another layer  of 
the workers do not care how something is paid for and simply want access to  
socially necessary means of life. 
>>> When I work with your comrades fighting for water as a human  right for 
Detroiters or stopping the evictions of a bunch of  people in an apartment 
building in Highland Park, with me representing the  tenants, or Welfare 
Rights in general they deal with all kinds of literary petty  bourgeois 
intellectuals. <<<
I speak for myself and myself only. I meet all kinds of people as a way of  
life. My “baby”  - choice of work, is literature production with others.  
Here is an example. Both of us were involved in the last city election. The  
literature I passed out for that election was non-communist, because the  
candidate I was supporting is not a communist. However, after the election 
and  during it I was involved in other activity where I could utilize a 
revolutionary  press and Marxists literature. 
>>> Actually, if you look I didn't say mass _media_. I said just  mass work.
The monopoly media is very corrupt on these issues. That's part of  why
Moore's breakthrough in it , saying we need to replace capitalism  with
democracy, is so extraordinary. <<<
Without question Moore’s movie as mass media is extraordinary. Because we  
were speaking of a movie opening nationwide I took the conversation to be 
about  mass media. I do not do work in the mass media. How one identify 
themselves and  their terminology is personal with political connotations. If 
choose to  speak in terms of other countries that is fine. All of us are not 
the same and  going to approach things different. My goal is to seek out 
those individuals  interested in revolutionary thought. When I was a young man 
the writings of  Engel’s changed my life. I have a feeling Engel’s will 
impact this generation of  young people the same way. Will be back in Detroit 
to stay in two weeks. 

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