On Fri, 1 Jan 2010 10:54:36 -0500 Doug Henwood <dhenw...@panix.com>
> On Jan 1, 2010, at 10:35 AM, Jim Farmelant wrote:
> > That would be an interesting issue to look into.
> > How does the US ruling class go about recruiting
> > political talent? How were people like
> > Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and
> > Barack Obma able to rise to the
> > top so fast?  What agencies are
> > responsible for scouting out,
> > recruiting and grooming talented
> > young people in the interests of
> > the ruling class?
> Party leadership - political establishment plus major contributors - 
> would be a start. Supplemented by the inner pundit class (e.g.,  
> William Kristol's "discovery" of Sarah Palin).

All that is true but there seems to be more to it than
that, at least in some cases like Clinton or Obama.
Both of them seemed to be groomed for higher
things from quite an early age.  Of course in
Clinton's case it didn't hurt that he was already
thinking about his future "political viability" at the
age of 19, but it does seem that some of
the ruling class talent scouts already had
their eye on by the time he was doing
his Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford.
And likewise with Obama, with his
early stint as a "community organizer."

And I remember back in the 1970s
when all the conspiracy theorists were
taking about Jimmy Carter's relationship
with the Trilateral Commission.  Of course
most of that was the usual cracked pottery,
but I don't think they were completely nuts.
It does seem to me that back when Carter
was governor of Georgia, and otherwise
little known outside his state, important
people within the ruling class had their
eye on him as a possible future candidate
for national office and were grooming him
for that possibility.  And in Carter's case,
I think his naval career had some importance
here too.  Carter has always made much
of the fact that he was a protege of 
Admiral Hyman Rickover, a figure who
was not too popular with most of the
navy brass, but who was politically
very well connected.  That suggests
to me that even with Carter, he may
have made early on some contacts
that would serve him well later on.

Jim F.

> Doug
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