A somewhat conspiratorial view of power politics is actually
explanatory. For example, most likely Americans think that the whole
key to understanding the complexities of French politics would be to
keep the left out of the highest offices. The reality is more like
infiltrate the left and neutralize it. Globalist Americans in power
then identify where the real other threats are--such as nationalist
interests that have clear-cut limits to accomodating American power.
They are a far bigger thorn in the side of the Americans in most
developed countries than the 'left'. It's the case in Japan, Korea,
New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. etc. It's the case in France,
too, apparently.

So while I do not necessarily swallow everything asserted in this
article, it does help to explain why a piece of shit like Sarkozy gets
into power, and what sort of difference this particular piece of shit
makes to the Americans as they struggle to keep their control of
Europe going as a 'linchpin' of the imperium.


The final act

Way before the Iraqi crisis, Frank Wisner Jr. and his colleagues at
the CIA plan the destruction of the Gaullist current and the coming to
power of Nicolas Sarkozy. They move in three phases: first, the
elimination of the leadership of the Gaullist party and the take over
of the party apparatus, then the elimination of his main right wing
rival and the securing the nomination to the presidential election for
the Gaullist party; finally, the elimination of any serious challenger
on the left to make sure that Nicolas would win the presidential

During years, posthumous revelations by a real estate dealer kept the
media on their toes. Before dying from a terminal disease, for reasons
which remain unknown, he decided to video tape his confessions and for
reasons which are even more obscure, the “cassette” landed in the
hands of a Socialist party leader, Dominique Strauss Kahn, who
addressed it indirectly to the media.

While the confessions of the real estate dealer did not lead to any
juridical sanctions, they opened up the Pandora’s Box. The main victim
of the series of scandals was Prime Minister Alain Juppé. To protect
Chirac, he assumed alone all the penal sanctions. The removal of Juppé
from the front lodges opened the way for the take by Sarkozy of the
leadership of the Gaullist party.

Sarkozy exploited then his position to force Jacques Chirac to take
him into the government once again, in spite of their reciprocal
hatred. In the end, he became Interior Minister. Mistake ! This post
gave him control over the prefects and the internal intelligence
apparatus which he used to gain positions of power over the large

He dealt also with Corsican affairs. Prefect Claude Érignac was
murdered. Even though nobody claimed it, the murder was immediately
interpreted as a challenge by the independentists to the Republic.
Following a long hunt, the police managed to arrest a fleeing suspect,
Yvan Colonna, son of a Socialist deputy. Caring little about the
presumption of innocence, Nicolas Sarkozy announced the arrest,
accusing the suspect of being the assassin. The news is too important,
a mere two days away from the referendum the minister has organized in
Corsica to modify the status of the island. Be as it may, the electors
reject the Sarkozy project, who, according to some, favoured mafia
interests. While Yvan Colonna was ultimately declared guilty, he
always claimed his innocence and no material proof was ever found
against him. Strangely, the man preferred to remain totally silent
rather than reveal what he actually knew. We reveal here that prefect
Érignac was not directly killed by the nationalists, but by a paid
killer, immediately exfiltrated towards Angola where he was hired to
the security of the Elf group. The mobile of the crime was precisely
connected to the previous functions of Érignac, responsible for the
African networks at Pasqua’s cooperation ministry. As for Yvan
Colonna, he is a personal friend of Nicolas Sarkozy since decades and
their children have entertained social relations.

A new scandal broke out then: phoney computer listings were
circulating falsely accusing several personalities of hiding bank
accounts in Luxembourg, at Clearstream. Among the defamed
personalities: Nicolas Sarkozy, who filed a suit insinuating that he
suspected his right wing rival to the presidency, Dominique de
Villepin, to have organized this machination. Sarkozy didn’t hide his
intention either to throw him in jail. In reality, the false listings
were put in circulation by members of the French American Foundation,
of which John Negroponte was the president and Frank Wisner Jr, the
administrator. What the judges ignored and which we reveal here is
that the listings were fabricated in London by a common office of the
CIA and of MI6, Hakluyt and co, of which Frank Wisner is also an

Villepin denied the accusations, but was indicted, assigned to
residence and, de facto, eliminated from political life temporarily.
The road is thus free on the right wing for Nicolas Sarkozy. It
remained for the opposition candidacies to be neutralized. The
membership fees to the Socialist party were reduced to a symbolic
level in order to attract new activists. Suddenly, thousands of youth
take membership cards. Among them, there were at least 10 000 new
members who are in reality militants from the “Lambertist” Trotskyite
party, (named after its founder Pierre Lambert). This small extreme
left group historically served the CIA against the Stalinist
communists during the cold war (it is the equivalent of the Social
democrats/USA of Max Schatchman, who trained the US
neo-conservatives). It is not the first time the “Lambertists”
infiltrate the Socialist party. They introduced there two notorious
CIA agents : Lionel Jospin (who became Prime minister) and Jean
Christophe Cambadelis, the main advisor to Dominique Strauss Kahn.

Primaries were organized inside the Socialist party to designate its
candidate to the presidential election. Two personalities were
competing: Laurent Fabius and Ségolène Royal. Only the first was a
danger for Sarkozy. Dominique Strauss Kahn came into the race with the
mission to eliminate Fabius at the last moment. Something he did with
the help of the votes of the infiltrated “lambertists”, who voted not
for him but for Royal.

The operation is possible because Strauss Kahn is since long on the
pay roll of the United States. Frenchmen ignore that he teaches at
Stanford, where he was hired by the prévot Dean of the University,
Condoleeza Rice. From the beginning of his term, Nicolas Sarkozy and
Condoleeza Rice will thank Strauss Kahn by having him elected to the
leadership of the International Monetary fund.

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