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Recent messages from French/Arabic activist websites indicate that
Gaddafi has selectively released Islamist Salafists from prison and even
"sent them along" to Eastern Libya.

Since Gadaffi claimed yesterday that Eastern Libya had become an
"Al-Quaeda inspired Islamic Emirate", no doubt that he is intent on
achieving a self-prophetized development. By freeing the most
reactionary Islaimist prisoners from jail and possibly arming them,
Gaddafi is determined to cause civil war, taking his queue from Saddam
Hussein's moves, but in a more grotesque fashion (as always with
He is deliberately utilising the few remaining days he has in power to
create the conditions for a Libyan civil war, rallyinh his cousins and
his tribe around him, frantically spending every dollar he has left
(before his acounts ins Switzerland are frozen) to employ mercenaries,
using Al Afrikiyya aircrafts to shuttle said mercenaries, using the
secret police to infiltrate extremist pro-Al Quaeda elements and use
them to destabilize Eastern Libya, and, over the past hours, having
lists of pro-Gadaffi loyalist officers appear on state TV and
threatening to murder the families of any officers who defect.
He and his sons and cousins can probably hold out in Sabah and the
Sahara for some time and wage "Bedouin" warfare including indescriminate
attacks on civilians. Gadaffi prophetized an apocalypse, and he is going
to do his utmost to make sure it happens, dragging Libya into civil war
with the help of billions of dollars from oil revenue.
However, he will not succeed ultimately. The coastal cities of Libya
will take over, a new government will be ushered in. But Gadaffi has
probably decided that his best bet lies in continual harassment from
Guerrillas and former security personnel. 

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