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Let me add some comments here. Like Ken, i'm on the US' Left Coast.
This actually has significance vis-a-vis "Direct Actions", something
that is part and parcel of actions here across the board, maybe no so
much on the East Coast or Mid West, but the occupation of the State
Capitol in Wisconsin is certainly a direct action if there ever was

Our here, unions often engage in sit ins, traffic blocking, etc. HERE
Local 2 is famous for this with *hundreds* of union members getting
arrested with thousands more surrounding them and the cops. Ever since
Delores Huerta, the 80 year old leader of the UFW had the shit beat
out of here by   SF SWAT  in the mid-1980s, they basically "don't do
that anymore" to peaceful demonstrators (she lost her spleen and had
about 7 ribs broken by the pig that assaulted her).

The recent budget cut battle that has been waged out here for the past
2 years has had many direct actions, some lead, in an isolated manner
from the broader mass of students, but some...not so much. The main
anarchist lead, but socialist left supported occupation in the fall of
2009 actually kicked started the movement. Out here, we can have 20
occupiers but 2,000 students and workers on the outside, galvanized
around the demands of the movement, sparked by the occupiers (of any
particular brand) by a 'synergy' between the illegal occupiers and the
mass of students that is 100% supportable by mass action advocates,
like myself and Ken.

So it takes an effort to work with DA types, even the anarchists, to
organize a successful action that includes, not excludes, the masses
of people involved in the struggle. Generally it works or has. There
are some exceptions but not worth going on about here.

In London, I'm with those that see the Black Block types as playing
the fool. I seen them more as being "pawns of the media" than "pawns
of the cops" although either works. When you see *40* photographers
snapping pictures of burning newspaper as it it's news, one has to
wonder. At any rate, these creeps, IMO, have no place in a legitimate
mass action. But it's conceivable than whole contingents of
participants could of marched into a gov't office, or a bank, and
occupied it, *peacefully* with the support of the mass of
demonstrators on the outside. This would require something of a
*democratic* decision making process by coalition and union forces,
something these Black Block fools are politically opposed to and say
so openly. They believe in the 'spontaneity of the masses' (meaning
themselves) and they openly campaigned against democratic conferences
electing leaderships to co-ordinate the struggles (at least the
wannabe Black Blocks types).

I'm not going to get into the debate about cops and infiltrators. That
is not the issue, IMO. It's that they operate outside the movement, as
parasites, *incapable* of actually organizing anyone outside their
fake-affinity groups. In many ways they act as caricatures of the very
things they claim to oppose 'vanguard Leninists' striving for
leadership over the backs to the masses themselves.


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