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These remarks by Louis betray an astounding lack of understanding or appreciation for the radical anti-systemic movements of the whole last forty years -- anti-nuke, Central America solidarity, Act-Up, global justice, etc. -- which have been full of "symbolic acts," above all people putting their own bodies on the line, while trying to engage broader populations. We should not try to pose these movements and their actions against building working class conscious and self-motion but bring these things into relationship -- with workers taking the lead against all oppressions.


On 3/29/11 7:13 PM, Kenneth Morgan wrote

1. Is your disagreement with only those who engaged in trashing property, or
also with those who engaged in the non-violent civil disobedience?

Apparently there is not exact clarity between the people Laurie Penny was defending and the black block intervention. It has been a long time since I paid attention to anarchist foolishness but you had the same kind of porous borders between the white bloc (essentially the UNCUT activists) and the more hardened, open to police spies, black bloc activists.

2. Do you disagree with the violent civil disobedience in general, or that
this tactic was out of place for this particular event?

I am generally opposed to "symbolic" protests that are aimed at the masses as if they were an audience at a Broadway play. The whole idea is to get the working people to take the stage themselves.

I raise these questions because the non-violent, that is non violent until the cops became violent, civil disobedience was a key event in the Seattle
actions of 1999.

After Seattle, there were attempts to keep repeating chaotic and violent street confrontations in the vain hope that they would destroy capitalism, whereas in fact the only thing that got destroyed was anarchism.

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