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On 7/17/2012 2:36 PM, Eli Stephens wrote:
When justifying imperialist intervention goes wrong
Cruise-missile socialists


By Mazda Majidi
July 17, 2012

On July 1, an article titled "Libya and Syria: When Anti-Imperialism Goes
Wrong" was published on the North Star website, signed by "Pham Binh of
Occupy Wall Street, Class War Camp." The article argues that imperialist
interventions in Libya and Syria are justified because they are demanded by
forces the author calls revolutionary. While claiming to cut against the
grain, he formulates what is a common position among liberals, progressives
and even some self-proclaimed socialists and anti-imperialists. As such it
is important to respond.

For newcomers to Marxmail, the PSL is a small propaganda group has its roots in Sam Marcy's split from the Trotskyist SWP in 1956 over its support for the Hungarian revolution. Marcy sided with the CPUSA, using the "global class war" theory to justify the Soviet invasion.

They also backed Chinese tanks against protestors in Tiananmen Square.

So that should give you an idea of where they are coming from.

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