Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Louis: "For newcomers to Marxmail,..."

Louis, why do you have so little respect for the readers of Marxmail that
you think they can't think for themselves? Aren't they able to read this
article and decide for themselves whether it represents a correct point of
view or not without having been warned about positions the writer's
predecessors took 56 years ago?

Although, I must say, "So that should give you an idea of where they are
coming from." is certainly a correct statement. Although while you're
characterizing the PSL as "a small propaganda group" you might also have
noted that that "small propaganda group" has been one of the chief
organizers being many of the largest antiwar demonstrations in the U.S. in
the last decade.

For more about China and Tiananmen Square, readers might read:

Eli Stephens
 Left I on the News

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