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Comrades should be aware that Mike Ely of the Kasama Project is quite upset with the publication of these internal documents. His wrath is directed at Ross Wolfe, a former member of the Platypus sect who posted the documents on his blog:


I am writing you to raise some very serious and troubling issues.

It came to my attention today that you have published internal stolen documents from a left organization (the ISO). And apparently you did so without even reading them closely and weighing what the content and impacts would be.

This is a very wrong, dangerous and hostile practice. It will have consequences you have not thought through seriously. It will serve to model culture and behavior within the left that have implications far beyond you or the ISO.

I want to open a comradely discussion with you by making this criticism.

And specifically, I want to ask you to take down this post and retract your decision to post secret documents.

A left that has no secrets is a left that is incapable of higher tasks.

full: http://kasamaproject.org/threads/entry/leaking-internal-iso-docs-a-question-of-revolutionary-ethics

I can certainly understand why Mike would take this tack since it goes hand in hand with the fetish his group (for the lack of a better word) makes over security.

A couple of years ago he and Eric Ribellarsi were speaking at the Brecht Forum on the Kasama Project. Since there was a lot of interest in it back then, I brought my video camera with me to record their presentations. When Mike saw the camera, he asked me not to use it since it would be a security threat--as if the FBI had no idea that they were involved with Kasama.

I've heard from a couple of comrades who after looking into joining Kasama were told that they had a "candidate" membership in which they had to prove themselves. What the fuck? I hadn't run into that sort of thing since 1967 when it was well-known that the Progressive Labor Party had a candidate program. The SWP had its own version of this. You generally joined the Young Socialist Alliance, as I did, in order to be evaluated as to whether you were suitable for SWP membership. It reminded me of what I went through at Goldman-Sachs. I came in as a consultant and after 6 months was offered a full-time position when my skills were deemed adequate.

Of course there is no reason to have such stringent measures. In fact these "cadre" organizations live in a fantasy world as if they were plucked from the pages of New Yorker Magazine--the old familiar cartoon of a couple of men meeting in the Paris sewers at a table with a candle burning and rats crawling all around as they make plans for an insurrection.

You think I am kidding? In the comments under Mike's article, Eric Ribellarsi wrote:

Cleatus writes: "Internal" documents are not a feature of Bolshevik practice, but arose as a feature of that party's bureaucratic degeneration"

Eric responds: Really? So, for instance. Lenin's secret plan for an insurrection which was leaked in an event that almost destroyed the Bolshevik party. Having plans for insurrection was part of the degeneration of that party? Could those plans have been made in complete transparency? Would the revolution have won with that kind of insane ultra-democracy?

When you have people in this day and age fretting over whether a secret plan for an insurrection might be leaked, you have taken flight from reality and ascended into the world of pure fantasy. I like to fantasize myself but it is usually over sexual matters.

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