Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.


On your second point, the right of the individuals to know before s/he speaks who is listening, at least in certain contexts, that is, I believe, a real right. That is why I think it is well-nigh CRIMINAL for the ISO leadership to be blowing smoke up their members' asses about how these are members-only bulletins when they are sending them out unencrypted via email and websites in plaintext.

The ISO *SHOULD* be telling members that although they are taking measures to keep these bulletins from comrades in other socialist groups, everyone should assume that the patriarchal, white-supremacist, capitalist and imperialist enemy's police state in North America does have the documents, since the measures that have been adopted are completely ineffective if what you mean by "privacy" AND "security" approximates more the dictionary meaning of those terms as opposed to "a fake and a fraud" or "sick joke". And given that the ISO's security measures fall into the "fraud/joke" category, those intending to post may want to adopt some precautions.

As to your first question, about the union about to start a Flint sit-down strike (80 years ago!!!), I would NOT demand either of the alternatives you say are available, but rather a union able to tell the difference between a sit-down strike and bullshitting about newspaper sales and "socialist" day schools in a discussion bulletin.

On 2/14/2014 7:30 PM, Andrew Pollack wrote:
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I'm still not convinced that comrades are distinguishing the two issues: a)
the security and political reasons for having private discussions, on which
there can be many opinions (and which can vary by circumstance -- would you
demand a union going on strike allow all its plans to be visible to the
boss (think Flint sitdown ruse)?) and b) the right of any individual to
know before she speaks who will and will not hear her words.

So let me make the distinction for you: anyone on this thread who says
there is no such right under clause b) above, everything you ever say to
anyone at any time from here on out is fair game  to be broadcast to the
whole world from this point on. So do NOT share with me off the record
anything personal.

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