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A critique of the superficial notion of the Soviet system as "state capitalist" 
is found in Trotsky and Meszaros. Simply follow my references. Both James and 
Dunayevskaya promulgated the "state capitalism" "theory" as did T.Cliff of 
course. I do  not have the time to do that for you, to carry you or spoonfeed 

"The Israeli Declaration of Independence is the most eloquent written statement 
of this belief" (SR)

Go and say that to the millions of Palestinians living in forced exile in the 
refugee camps of the Arab world. The Zionist state is a state which defends 
very specific class and geostrategic interests. For you to ape one of its 
documents is simply a confirmation of your CLASS position. It does not "defend 
the Jewish people" but has created a ghetto for them in the Middle East in the 
interests of the aforesaid interests. Where is the so-called "citizenship" of 
the millions of exiled Palestinians? In the desert sands. This so-called 
"Declaration of Independence" was a declarationn of war on the Palestininan 
people who did not receive the "favour" of its "citizenship".

On the basis of the "belief that Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people", 
the homeland of the English people and all their descendants around the world 
is large swathes of Europe from which they have migrated to the British Isles. 
If we applied this extremely reactionary (fascistic) conception to peoples 
around the globe, we would all be claiming land which our ancestors lived on 
thousands of years ago. Research tends to suggest that the ancestors of the 
English, Iranians, Indians, Greeks, etc, arose in a proto Indo-European 
homeland on the Russian steppe thousands of years ago. Can we simply expel the 
local inhabitants today (Russians, Tatars and Ukrainians) and claim it as "our 
homeland". It is the most reactionary conception. Completely anti-communist to 
its very core. The Nazi ideologists had a similar outlook. They spoke of 
returning to "their" "Ayran" homeland in central Asia.

The problem with the area which Zionism labels "Israel" is that it has been 
Palestine since Hellenistic and Roman times.The Jewish communities at these 
times were Palestinians, many of whom, in the Polis and not in the Chora, were 
actually hellenised and later latinised when they moved around the empire. It 
is a Zionist myth that it was simply a "Jewish homeland". The Jews were, for 
many centuries, a nomadic tribal people. For thousands of years, this region 
has been a rich and diverse area of different cultures and religions. It has 
only been the bastardised state of "Israel" since 1948 when its creation was 
backed by the imperialist powers in theirv own geostrategic interests.
If you fail to see that the very existence of the Zionist state actually 
"fosters bigotry towards the Jews", then I think perhaps you are the one in 
need of a certain degree of kindness. Have you actually studied the history of 
the Zionist enclave since 1948? Have you actually witnessed over the decades 
the hostility towards Zionism and the FALSE EQUATING of "Zionist" with "Jew" 
which actually feeds prejudice and anti-semitism? And you have the audacity and 
temerity to accuse me of being "nuts"!! When I was teaching in the Arab world I 
met many people (Arabs) who actually admired Hitler. I always took the trouble 
to explain that some but not all Jews are Zionists and all Zionists are not 
necessarily Jews. One can be a anti-Zionist Jew.
The "Kibbutz movement" - as you affectionately like to refer to it - was a land 
grab. Its basic conception in practice was "a land without a people for a 
people without a land" which is a fascistic conception similar to the 
conception of Lebensraum. Land stolen and the local people expelled from their 
lands and homes. It was only a "land without a people" after they were forced 
out at gunpoint. You obviously believe all the myths created by Zionism that 
people left voluntarily with handshakes for Begin, Shamir, Sharon, the Irgun 
and Stern Gang. Palestine was not an empty land but was a rich, living ancient 
culture amongst which were living small communities of Jewish people. The 
Palestinian culture was not just "another Arab culture" but was a distinct, 
rich, culture thousands of years old. You believe and seek to perpetuate the 
myths of Zionism. 

Where in the writings of Ber Borochov is there any evidence of socialist 
internationalism, class-based and transcending cultural differences without 
recourse to pseudo-nationalistic doctrine? The attempt to synthesise Marx with 
Zionist Nationalism was a particular example of the general incompatibility of 
Marx and Nationalism. This is why Borochov was expelled from the Marxist 
movement in Russia. He was a divisive influence amongst the proletariat. He 
then veered off into Zionist nationalism, Paole Zion, etc, which the Jewish 
socialist Bund rejected at the turn of the century. Borochov tried to 
opportunistically adapt Marx to serve the needs of Zionist nationalism and, in 
the process, effectively left Marx behind. Borochov himself, towards the end of 
his life, became a self-confessed Social Democrat which was an admission that 
his attempted synthesis had failed and had revealed the truth of his doctrine 
as being essentially Zionist rather than socialist.

"A viable two state solution would include evacuation of all the Jewish 
settlers and returning control of all the natural resources in the Occupied 
Territories to the Palestinians in the WB/GZ. That is a crucial part of the BDS 
agenda. The West Bank and Gaza can be linked around Israel through roads built 
on strips of land on the Sinai and though those parts of Jordan adjacent to its 
border with Israel. As part of a regional settlement, these areas would be 
leased to Palestine by Egypt and Jordan so that Palestine would not be 
landlocked. The construction needed to take place there would make a sizable 
dent in the high Palestinian unemployment rate." (SR)

Holy Moses, what a geopolitical dog's dinner! Travelling from Hebron to Gaza, I 
think I would have to take my compass with me for fear of ending up in the 
Negev. What's wrong with a unitary secular state with full democratic rights 
for all regardless of ethnicity, religion, etc? Or is it threatening your 
beloved "democratic Zionism"? Your Zionist Bantustan?

It is quite obvious that you are drinking in the last chance saloon of Zionism. 
Further up the page you are writing of a 'democratic love-in' with the 
Palestinians now you're telling them to fuck off into the Sinai and into other 
national territories. 
Sheldon. Just do yourself and the rest of us a favour. Drop the Zionism. It's 
reactionary and repulsive. And all the baggage which goes with it. And just 
pick up the Marx. It's all you need. Even in Palestine. 

Take it easy  (favourite motto of Engels)
Doubt everything (favourite motto of Marx)
Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution? 
Groucho Marx
'Sir, if you were my husband, I would put poison in your coffee.'  Nancy Astor. 
'Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it.' Winston Churchill.
Blenheim Palace, 1912

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